USACriteria for a Recommended Standard: Occupational Exposure to Ultraviolet RadiationCDC2014
USAUltraviolet Radiation GuidelinesACGIH2023
USAMethod of evaluating the UV dose to airborne microorganisms transiting in-duct ultraviolet germicidal irradiation devicesISO 157142019
USAPerformance Standard: Healthcare Germicidal Light Whole-Room Surface DisinfectionANSI/HIS 2000:202X2023
USAPhotobiological Hazards From UV LampsANSI RP-27.1-222022
CanadaElevator and Escalator electrical equipmentCSA B44.12014
CanadaHousehold and similar electrical appliances Safety Part 2-65: Particular requirements for air-cleaningCSA E60335-2-65:2011 Ed. 22016
CanadaFans and ventilatorsCSA C22.2 No 1132018
CanadaSafety Requirements for Electrical Equipment For Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use;CSA C22.2 No. 610102018
CanadaLight Emitting Diode (Similar to UL 8750)CSA C22.2 No. 250.132022
CanadaLuminaires (Trinational standard with UL 1598 and NMX-J-307/1-ANCE)CSA C22.2 No. 250.02021
PRPuerto Rico: Pesticide RegistrationPesticide Registration2023
WYWY: Pesticide RegistrationPesticide Registration2023
WVWV: Pesticide RegistrationPesticide Registration2023
OKOK: Pesticide RegistrationPesticide Registration2023
NMNM: Pesticide RegistrationPesticide Registration2023
HIHI: Pesticide RegistrationPesticide Registration2023
DCDC: Pesticide RegistrationPesticide Registration2023
COCO: Pesticide RegistrationPesticide Registration2023
CACA: Pesticide RegistrationPesticide Registration2023
EURestriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS)RoHS2022
USAFederal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and Federal Facilities

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) is the Federal statute that governs the registration, distribution, sale, and use of pesticides in the United States.

CACalifornia Air Resources Board

Since 2010, all portable indoor air cleaning devices sold to people or businesses in California are required to be certified by CARB. As of October 2020, electronic in-duct air cleaning devices are also subject to the regulation. To be certified, all air cleaners must be tested for electrical safety. Electronic air cleaners must also be tested for ozone emissions and meet an ozone emission concentration limit of 0.050 parts per million (50 ppb).

USAUVC devices, safety information, permissible human exposure

Specifies minimum human safety requirements for the use of UVC lamp devices. It is applicable to in-duct UVC systems, upper-air in room UVC systems, portable in-room disinfection UVC devices, and any other UVC devices which may cause UVC exposure to humans.

ISO 15858:2016 2016
USADisinfection using ultraviolet radiation.

Methods for quantitative testing of automated ultraviolet disinfection activities by direct illumination. Determination of bactericidal, mycobactericidal, sporicidal, yeasticidal, fungicidal, virucidal and phagocidal activities

BS 8628:222022
USAUltraviolet Air DisinfectionCIE 155:20032003
USARisk Group Classification and Minimization of Photobiological Hazards From Ultraviolet Lamps and Lamp SystemsIES 27.1-20222022
USASpectroradiometric Measurement Methods for Light SourcesIES LM-582020
USAOptical and Electrical Measurements of Far UV-C Excimer SourcesIES LM-93-222022
USAOptical and Electrical Measurement of Ultraviolet LEDsIES LM-92-222022
USAApplication Distance RadiometryIES LM-91-222022
USAMeasuring Maintenance of Light Output Characteristics of Solid-State Light SourcesIES LM-802021
USAUltraviolet (UV) radiation chamber disinfection deviceFDA 880.66002023
USAMedical ultraviolet air purifierFDA 880.65002023
USAGeneral hospital and personal use devicesFDA 8802023
USAProtocols for Evaluating Ruleset Application in Building Performance Models

This standard establishes tests and acceptance criteria for application of rulesets and related reporting for building performance models.

USAEnergy Simulation Aided Design for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings

This standard applies to new buildings or major renovations of, or additions to, existing buildings utilizing energy simulation during the design process. This standard does not apply to single-family houses, multi-family structures of three stories or fewer above grade, manufactured houses (mobile homes) and modular homes.

ASHRAE 209-20182018
USAMethod of Test for Evaluating Building Performance Simulation Software

These standard test procedures apply to software that simulate the performance of a building and its systems. While these standard test procedures cannot test all algorithms within a building performance simulation software, they can be used to indicate major flaws or limitations in capabilities.

ASHRAE 140-20202021
USALegionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems

Establishes minimum legionellosis risk management requirements for building water systems.

ASHRAE 1882018
Enhanced Indoor Air Quality in Commercial and Institutional BuildingsASHRAE 42p2018
USAVentilation of Health Care Facilities

ASHRAE 1702020
USAAir Quality Within Commercial Aircraft

Helps to assure safe and comfortable air quality within commercial passenger air-carrier aircraft.

ASHRAE 1612019
USAVentilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings

Standard 62.2, ASHRAE?S consensus residential ventilation and IAQ standard for dwelling units with nontransient occupants, has been updated for 2022. The standard describes the minimum requirements to achieve acceptable IAQ via dwelling-unit ventilation, local mechanical exhaust, and source control.

ASHRAE 62.22023
USAVentilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality

Standard 62.1 specifies minimum ventilation rates and other measures intended to provide indoor air quality (IAQ) that?s acceptable to human occupants and that minimizes adverse health effects.

ASHRAE 62.12023
USAMethods Of Testing For Efficiency Of Space-Conditioning/Water Heating Appliances That Include A Desuperheater Water Heater

This standard covers electric, air-to-air, space-conditioning appliances that include a refrigerant-to-water desuperheater and have rated cooling capacities of less than 65,000 Btu/h.

ASHRAE 1372023
USAMethod of Testing HVAC-duct mounted Devices and Systems and In-Room devices for Particle and Microorganism Removal or Inactivation in a Chamber with a Recirculating Duct SystemKathleen OwenASHRAE 185.52023
USAMethod of Testing In-Room Ultraviolet Devices and Systems for Microbial Inactivation on Surfaces in a Test RoomKatja AuerASHRAE 185.42023
USAMethod of Testing In-Room Devices and Systems for Microorganism Removal or Inactivation in a ChamberLinda Lee

The standard establishes a method of test for evaluating inroom devices and systems for microorganism removal or inactivation in a chamber.

ASHRAE 185.3P2023
USAMethod of Testing Ultraviolet Lamps for Use in HVAC&R Units or Air Ducts to Inactivate Microorganisms on Irradiated Surfaces

Standard 185.2 establishes a testmethod to measure the intensity of ultraviolet (UV-C) lamps on irradiatedsurfaces under typical HVAC&R operating conditions. It also defines methodsof calculating and reporting results obtained from the test data.

ASHRAE 185.22020
USAMethod of Testing UV-C Lights for Use in Air-Handling Units or Air Ducts to Inactivate Airborne Microorganisms

ASHRAE Standard 185.1 establishes a test method to evaluate UV-C lamps for their ability to inactivate airborne ASHRAE Standard 185.1 establishes atest method to evaluate UV-C lamps for their ability to inactivate airbornemicroorganisms. It defines procedures for generating test bioaerosols and forsampling upstream and downstream of the UV-C lamp.In addition, the standard establishesperformance specifications for test equipment, quality assurance standards, andmethods of calculating and reporting results from the test data.This method of test may also be usedto test air-cleaning devices that do not use ultraviolet technology if thedevice being tested can be installed in the testing duct system as described.Test reports should note that results were from a modified test and include thespecific device tested and modifications made to the method.

ASHRAE 185.12020
USAControl of Infectious Aerosols

Provides minimum requirements for HVAC-related measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19, influenza, and other airborne viruses in homes, offices, schools, hospitals during periods of high risk.

ASHRAE 241P2023
USAPhotobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems

Gives guidance for evaluating the photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems including luminaires. Specifically it specifies the exposure limits, reference measurement technique and classification scheme for the evaluation and control of photobiological hazards from all electrically powered incoherent broadband sources of optical radiation, including LEDs but excluding lasers, in the wavelength range from 200 nm through 3000 nm.

IEC 624712006
USARefrigerant Detector RequirementsUL 60335-2-402019
USAHeating and Cooling EquipmentUL 19952015
USAUltraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI)

RP44 was prepared by the IES Photobiology Committee to better inform all interested lighting specialists as well as those responsible for infectious disease control.

IES RP-44-212021
USASafety Requirements for Electrical Equipment For Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use;UL 610102012
USAElectric FansUL 5072017
USAElectrostatic Air Cleaners

Addresses the safety of portable and fixed (including duct-connected) electrostatic air cleaning equipment and ion generators.

UL 8672018
USAZero Ozone Emissions Validation

Covers air cleaning products including standalone air cleaning devices (electrostatic air cleaners, electronic air purifiers, etc.) and Duct-mounted air cleaning devices like ionizers or UV lighting systems.

UL 29982022

Safety testing for luminaires

UL 15982021
USAOutline of Investigation for Portable UV Germicidal Equipment With Uncontained UV Sources

Covers portable germicidal equipment for use in households and similar environments households and similar environments

UL 88032017
USAOutline of Investigation for Germicidal Systems

Governs installed UVC luminaires for electrical and safety compliance

UL 88022021
WastewaterUniform Protocol for Wastewater UV Validation ApplicationsWhitby, Lawal, Ropic, Shmia, Ferran, Dussert

Guidance for validating wastewater disinfection systems

WastewaterFluence (UV Dose) Required to Achieve Incremental Log Inactivation of Bacteria, Protozoa, Viruses and AlgaeMalyeri, Mohseni, Cairns, Bolton, Cheverefils, Caron, Barbeau, Wright, Linden

A summary of published data on the UV fluence-response data for various microorganisms encountered in the application, testing of performance, and validation of UV disinfection technologies.

WastewaterMethod for the Measurement of the Output of Monochromatic (254 nm) Low-Pressure UV LampsLawal, Dussert, Howarth, Platzer, Sadges, Muller, Whitby, Stowe, Adam, Witham, Engel, Posy, van der Pol, Bolton, Santelli

A methodology for measuring and benchmarking of UV lamp output from monochromatic (254 nm) lamps operated by a corresponding power supply (ballast).

WastewaterProtocol for the determination of fluence (UV dose) using a low-pressure or low-pressure high-output UV lamp in benchscale collimated beam ultraviolet experimentsBolton, Beck and Linden

CB test protocol with a step-by-step manner to make it easier to follow for experimental measurements.

WastewaterUV Disinfection for WastewaterBell et al.

Low-dose application guidance for secondary and tertiary discharge

UV Disinfection Guidelines for Drinking Water and Water ReuseNWRI, WRF

Commonly used for validating UV systems for nonpotable reuse applications

Advanced Oxidation HandbookCollins, Bolton

Fundamentals of the design and operation for advanced oxidation technologies

Innovative Approaches for Validation of UV Disinfection Reactors for Drinking Water SystemsWright, Brooks, Heath, Adams, Townsend

New approaches and procedures for monitoring and validation in drinking water and reuse.

UV LEDThe emergence and prospects of deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diode technologiesMichael Kneissl, Tae-Yeon Seong, Jung Han & Hiroshi Amano

Recent review of deep UV LED materials and fabrication techniques

Advanced oxidation processesEvaluation of advanced oxidation processes for water and wastewater treatment ? A critical reviewMiklos, D.B., Remy, Ch., Jekel, M., Linden, KI.G., Drewes, J.E., H?bner, U.

Overview of both established processes and emerging technologies for advanced oxidatioin processes, including O3/UV, UV/H2O2, UV/persulfate, UV/chlorine, phoot-Fenton, photocatalysis

UV/Cl2 AOPRadical Chemistry and Structural Relationships of PPCP Degradation by UV/Chlorine Treatment in Simulated Drinking WaterKaiheng Guo, Zihao Wu, Chii Shang, Bo Yao, Shaodong Hou, Xin Yang, Weihua Song, and Jingyun Fang

Reactivity of radicals that form in UV/chlorine AOP

UV effects on materialsCombined Effects of UV Exposure Duration and Mechanical Abrasion on Microplastic Fragmentation by Polymer TypeYoung Kyoung Song, Sang Hee Hong, Mi Jang, Gi Myung Han, Seung Won Jung, and Won Joon Shim Orcid

Effects of UV on degradation of various plastics and formation of microplastics

Photocatalytic disinfectionRapid water disinfection using vertically aligned MoS2 nanofilms and visible lightChong Liu, Desheng Kong, Po-Chun Hsu, Hongtao Yuan, Hyun-Wook Lee, Yayuan Liu, Haotian Wang, Shuang Wang, Kai Yan, Dingchang Lin, Peter A. Maraccini, Kimberly M. Parker, Alexandria B. Boehm & Yi Cui

Disinfection with visible light using photocatalytic nanofilm

Fundamentals of UV AOPAdvanced Oxidation HandbookCollins, J. and J.R. Bolton2016/06/01
Photocatalysisα-Fe2O3 as a photocatalytic material: A reviewManeesha Mishra, Doo-Man Chun

Review of α-Fe2O3 as a photocatalyst

fluence (dose) calculationsFundamental approach to the fluence-based kinetic and electrical energy efficiency parameters in photochemical degradation reactions: polychromatic lightStefan, M.I. and J..R. Bolton2015/06/01
Advanced oxidation processesAn overview on the advanced oxidation processes applied for the treatment of water pollutants defined in the recently launched Directive 2013/39/EURibeiro, A.R., Nunes, O.C., Pereira, M.F.R., Silva, A.M.T.

overview of AOPs for water treatment

Photodetector materialsPhotodetectors based on graphene, other two-dimensional materials and hybrid systemsF. H. L. Koppens, T. Mueller, Ph. Avouris, A. C. Ferrari, M. S. Vitiello & M. Polini

Properties and potential applications of photodetectors based on graphene and other two-dimensional (2D) materials, as well as hybrid systems that combine 2D materials with other materials or structures.

UV/Cl2 AOPThe Roles of Reactive Species in Micropollutant Degradation in the UV/Free Chlorine SystemJingyun Fang, Yun Fu, and Chii Shang

The role of reactive species in UV/chlorine AOP

Advanced oxidation processesPharmaceuticals as emerging contaminants and their removal from water. A reviewRivera-Ytrilla, J., Sánchez-Polo, M., Ferro-García, M.A., Prados-Joya, G., Ocampo-Pérez, R.

Review of removal techniques including various photooxidation techniques (UV, UV/H2O2, UV/K2S2O8, UV/TiO2, UV/H2O2/TiO2, UV/TiO2/activated carbon, photo-Fenton)

UV detectorsA Comprehensive Review of Semiconductor Ultraviolet Photodetectors: From Thin Film to One-Dimensional NanostructuresLiwen Sang , Meiyong Liao and Masatomo Sumiya

A more recent review of UV sensors

PhotocatalysysPhotocatalysis on supported gold and silver nanoparticles under ultraviolet and visible light irradiationSarina Sarina, Eric R. Waclawika and Huaiyong Zhu

Photocatalysis using silver and gold nanoparticles

UV advanced oxidation processes Review of photochemical reaction constants of organic micropollutants required for UV advanced oxidation processes in waterWols, B.A. AND Hofman-Caris, C.H.M.

Review of photochemical reaction constants of organic micropollutants for UV AOPs.

PhotocatalysisSynthesis of M@TiO2 (M = Au, Pd, Pt) Core Shell Nanocomposites with Tunable PhotoreactivityNan Zhang, Siqi Liu, Xianzhi Fu, and Yi-Jun Xu

Synthesis of doped TiO2 photocatalysts with tunable photoreactivity

fundamentals of UVUltraviolet Applications HandbookBolton, J.R.2010/09/02
Photochemical synthesisVisible light photocatalysis as a greener approach to photochemical synthesisTehshik P. Yoon, Michael A. Ischay & Juana Du

Application of photocatalysis for photochemical synthesis

Advanced oxidation processesRemoval of natural organic matter from drinking water by advanced oxidation processesMatilainen, A., Sillanpääm, M.

Overview of AOPS for removal of NOM, including O3/UV, UV/H2O2, TiO2/UV, photo-Fenton

Photocatalysis in airPhotocatalytic construction and building materials: From fundamentals to applicationsJun Chen, Chi-sun Poon

Photocatalytic building materials for air pollution control

Advanced oxidation processesDecontamination of wastewaters containing synthetic organic dyes byelectrochemical methods: A general reviewMartiínex-Huitle, C.A., Brillas, E.

Review including photoassisted electrochemical treatments with UV irradiation (e.g. photo-electro-Fenton, heterogeneous TIO2 photcatalysis,

AOP chemistryThe Chemistry of Water Treatment Processes Involving Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide and Ultraviolet RadiationWilliam H. Glaze,Joon-Wun Kang &Douglas H. Chapin

A classic paper on basics of AOP chemistry

Plasmonic photocatalysisA Plasmonic Photocatalyst Consisting of Silver Nanoparticles Embedded in Titanium DioxideKoichi Awazu, Makoto Fujimaki, Carsten Rockstuhl, Junji Tominaga, Hirotaka Murakami, Yoshimichi Ohki, Naoya Yoshida, and Toshiya Watanabe

Investigation of the underlying mechanisms and properties of plasmonic photocatalysis.

UV/Cl2 AOPChlorine photolysis and subsequent OH radical production during UV treatment of chlorinated waterMichael J. Watts, Karl G. Linden

Fundamentals of UV/chlorine AOP process inclusing quantum yeilds for HOCl, Ocl- and chloramine

Refractive properties of waterMeasurement of the refractive index of distilled water from the near-infrared region to the ultraviolet regionMasahiko Daimon and Akira Masumura

UV refraction by water

fluence (dose) calculations using actinometryPolychromatic UV Fluence Measurement Using Chemical Actinometry, Biodosimetry, and Mathematical TechniquesShanshan J.; A. A. Mofidi, and K. G. Linden2006/08/01
UV DisinfectionInactivation credit of UV radiation for viruses, bacteria and protozoan (oo)cysts in water: A reviewW.A.M. Hijnen, E.F. Beerendonk, G.J. Medema

Review of susceptibility to UV disinfection of various bacteria, protozoa and viruses

UV DisinfectionInactivation of enteric microorganisms with chemical disinfectants, UV irradiation and combined chemical/UV treatmentsJ. Koivunen, H. Heinonen-Tanski

Comparison of a number of disinfectants, including UV, for several common organisms

Advanced Oxidation ProcessesTransition metal/UV-based advanced oxidation technologies for water decontaminationGeorge P. Anipsitakis, Dionysios D. Dionysiou

UV+transition metal AOPs

PhotocatalysisPreparation of S-doped TiO2 photocatalysts and their photocatalytic activities under visible lightTeruhisa Ohno, Miyako Akiyoshi, Tsutomu Umebayashi , Keisuke Asai , Takahiro Mitsui , Michio Matsumura

Improved photocatalysis with S-doped TiO2

AOP applicationsDegradation of chlorophenols by means of advanced oxidation processes: a general reviewMarc Pera-Titus, Verónica Garcı́a-Molina, Miguel A Baños, Jaime Giménez, Santiago Esplugas

Degradation of chlorophenols with AOP

fluence (dose) calculationsDiscussion of “Standardized collimated beam testing protocol for water/wastewater ultraviolet disinfectionBolton, J. R., K. G. Linden, J. Kuo, C. L. Chen and M. Nellor2003/08/01
Advanced oxidation processesPhotocatalytic degradation of azo dye acid red 14 in water: investigation of the effect of operational parametersDaneshvar, N., Salari, D., Khataee, A.R.

Showing the effects of operational parameters, although focussing on only one type of pollutant

Excimer lampsDielectric-Barrier Discharges: Their History, Discharge Physics, and Industrial ApplicationsUlrich Kogelschatz

Basics on dielectric-barrier discharges used in excimer lamps

UV fluence/dose calculationStandardization of Methods for Fluence (UV Dose) Determination in Bench-Scale UV ExperimentsJames R. Bolton?and?Karl G. Linden,?M.ASCE

Standardization of UV fluence determination for UV collimated beam (a.k.a. Bolton and Linden 2003)

UV absorbance of organic matterSpectroscopic characterization of the structural and functional properties of natural organic matter fractionsJie Chen, Baohua Gu, Eugene J. LeBoeuf, Hongjun Pan, Sheng Dai

UV absorbance characteristics of NOM fractions

UV photolysis of chemical pollutantsUV Direct Photolysis of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA): Kinetic and Product StudyMihaela I. Stefan, James R. Bolton

UV photolysis of NDMA

UV DisinfectionUV-induced DNA damage and repair: a reviewRajeshwar P. Sinhaa and Donat-P. Häder

A review of UV-induced DNA damage and repair

Advanced oxidation processesComparison of different advanced oxidation processes for phenol degradationEsplugas, S., Giménez, J., Contreras, S. Pacual, E., Rodríguez, M.

Comparison of different AOPs, including UV-based AOPs. pH influence, kinetic constants, optimum oxidant/pollutant ratio etc.

fluence (dose) calculationsFundamental photochemical approach to the concepts of fluence (UV dose) and electrical energy efficiency in photochemical degradation reactions.Bolton, J. R. and M. I. Stefan2002/01/01
PhotocatalysisEffect of surface structure on photocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin films prepared by sol-gel methodJiaguo Yu, Xiujian Zhao, Qingnan Zhao

Enhancing photocatalytic activity of TiO2 by producing different surface porosity during sol-gel deposition

Advanced oxidation processesRelationships between the structure of natural organic matter and its reactivity towards molecular ozone and hydroxyl radicalsPaul Westerhoff, George Aiken, Gary Amy, Jean Debroux

Can help in prediciting the background scavenging of hydroxyl radicals by organic matter in AOPs

UV detectorsSemiconductor ultraviolet detectorsM. Razeghi and A. Rogalski

Some basic info on photodetectors

UV DisinfectionDNA Repair in EukaryotesRichard D. Wood

More on DNA repair of UV damage

UV DisinfectionRepair of Oxidative Damage to DNA: Enzymology and BiologyBruce Demple and Lynn Harrison

Enzymes that repair DNA damage

Advanced oxidation processesPhotochemical processes for water treatmentO. Legrini, E. Oliveros, and A. M. Braun

An older paper that lays out some basics of the major AOP processes

UV DisinfectionIsolation and characterization of mutants of Escherichia coli deficient in induction of mutations by ultraviolet lightTakesi Kato & Yukiko Shinoura

E.coli genetic mutations that reduce their susceptibility to UV

UV photolysis of chemical pollutantsEfficient photolytic degradation of nitrosaminesJ Polo, Y L Chow

An older paper on NDMA photolysis

H2O2 photochemistryAn Electron Spin Resonance Study of the Spin Adducts ofOH and HOz Radicals with Nitrones in the Ultraviolet Photolysis ofAqueous Hydrogen Peroxide SolutionsJohn R. Harbour, Vivian Chow, And James R. Bolton

Spin-trap study of radicals that form in H2O2 photolysis

UV disinfectionExchanges between DNA strands in ultraviolet-irradiated Escherichia coliW.Dean Rupp, Charles E. Wilde III, Donna L. Reno, Paul Howard-Flanders

Insights into light and dark repair of UV-induced DNA damage

UV absorbance of chemicalsUltraviolet spectra and excited states of ethylene and its alkyl derivativesA. J. Merer and Robert S. Mulliken

UV absorbance spectra of ethylene and some other derivative gases

UV disinfectionPyrimidine dimers in ultraviolet-irradiated DNA’sR.B. Setlow, W.L. Carrier

Early work on pyrimidine dimers in UV-exposed DNA

UV DisinfectionEvidence for repair-replication of ultraviolet damaged DNA in bacteriaDavid Pettijohn, Philip Hanawalt

Early evidence of UV-damaged DNA repair

Vacuum UVAbsorption Coefficients of Water Vapor in the Vacuum UltravioletWatanabe, K, Zelikoff, Murray

Absorption coefficients of water vapor in the region 1060–1860A were obtained by a photoelectric method described previously. Pressures (0.08 to 8 mm Hg) of water vapor in the absorption cell were measured with an Alphatron gauge. In the region 1860–1500A, the absorption coefficients were between the values reported by two groups of investigators.

UV absorbance of chemicalsThe Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Simple Unsaturated Compounds. I. Mono- and p-Disubstituted Benzene DerivativesLeonard Doub and J. M. Vandenbelt

Absorbance peaks and molar extinction coefficients of benzene and some derivatives

UV absorbance of chemicalsSome Factors Influencing the Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds. I. A General SurveyR. Norman Jones

Use of resonsnce theory to determine absorance of chemical compounds

PhotocatalysisTiO2 Photocatalysis: A Historical Overview and Future ProspectsKazuhito Hashimoto, Hiroshi Irie and Akira Fujishima

Photocatalytic properties of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and its applications in various fields

Photoproperties of semiconductorsLarge‐band‐gap SiC, III‐V nitride, and II‐VI ZnSe‐based semiconductor device technologiesH. Morkoç, S. Strite, G. B. Gao, M. E. Lin, B. Sverdlov, and M. Burns

Basics of large-band-gap semiconductors that can be used as photoemitters and photodetectors

Advanced oxidation processesCritical-Review of Rate Constants for Reactions of Hydrated Electrons, Hydrogen-Atoms and Hydroxyl Radicals(?OH/?O?) in Aqueous-Solution.?Buxton, G.V., Greenstock, C.L., Helman, W.P. and Ross, A.B.,

Compilation of reaction rate constants for a comprehensive list of chemical substances.

Absorbance of chemicalsAbsorption Coefficients of Ozone in Ultraviolet and Visible RegionsGriggs, M

UV absorance spectrum of ozone

UV absoption by biomoleculesUltraviolet Absorption Spectra of Proteins and Amino AcidsG.H. Beaven, E.R. Holiday

UV absorption spectrum of proteins and aminoacids

UV rate constant data - SporesUV Resistance of Bacillus anthracis Spores Revisited: Validation of Bacillus subtilis Spores as UV Surrogates for Spores of B anthracis SterneNicholson W, Galeano B

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 692:1327-13302003
UV rate constant data - VirusUV Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 across the UVC Spectrum: KrCl* Excimer, Mercury-Vapor, and Light-Emitting-Diode LED SourcesMa, B, PM Gundy, CP Gerba, MD Sobsey and KG Linden

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 8722: e01532212021
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUltraviolet radiation for the sterilization of contact lensesGritz DC, Lee TY, McDonnell PJ, Shih K, Baron N

Contains UV k data for contact lenses

CLAO J 164:294-2981990
UV PerformanceUltraviolet germicidal coil cleaning: Decreased surface microbial loading and resuspension of cell clustersLuongo, JC, & Miller, SL

Contains valid UV k data

Building and Environment, 105, 50?552016
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet disinfection of contact lensesHarris MG, Fluss L, Lem A, Leong H

Contains UV k data for contact lenses

Optom Vis Sci 7010:839-8421993
UV rate constant data - VirusThe ultraviolet light and photosynthesized inactivation of tobacco mosaic virusOster

Contains valid UV k data

J Gen Phys 33:215-2281950
UV rate constant data - BacteriaThe survival of bacteria in dustLidwell OM, Lowbury EJ

Contains valid UV k data

Annual Review of Microbiology 14:38-431950
UV rate constant data - BacteriaThe resistance of Micrococcus radiodurans to ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet-induced lesions in the cell’s DNASetlow JK, Duggan DE

Contains valid UV k data

Biochim Biophys Acta 87:664-6681964
UV rate constant data - SporesThe effects of ultraviolet radiation on spores of the fungus Aspergillus nigerZahl PA, Koller LR, Haskins CP

Contains valid UV k data

J Gen Physiol 16:221-2351939
UV rate constant data - BacteriaSurvival of Spacecraft-Associated Microorganisms under Simulated Martian UV IrradiationNewcombe DA, Schuerger AC, Benardini JM, Dickinson D, Tanner R, Venkateswaran K

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 7112:8147-81562005
UV rate constant data - VirusSARS-CoV-2 inactivation by ultraviolet radiation and visible light is dependent on wavelength and sample matrixSchuit, MA, T C Larason, M L Krause, B M Green, B P Holland, S P Wood, S Grantham, Y Zong, C J Zarobila, D L Freeburger, D M Miller, J K Bohannon, S A Ratnesar-Shumate, E R Blatchley, 3rd, X Li, P A Dabisch and C C Miller

Contains valid UV k data

J Photochem Photobiol B 233: 1125032022
UV rate constant data - VirusRotavirus virus like particles as surrogates in environmental persistence and inactivation studiesCaballero S, Abad F, Loisy F, LeGuyader F, Cohen J, Pinto R, Bosch A

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 707:3904-39092004
UV rate constant data - BacteriaResponse of Mycobacterium avium to ultraviolet irradiationMcCarthy, C and Schaefer

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 281: 151-1531974
UV rate constant data - VirusPulsed-Light inactivation of poliovirus and adenovirusLamont Y, Rzezutka A, Anderson JG, S J, MacGregor, Given MJ, Deppe C, Cook N

Contains valid UV k data

Lett Appl Microbiol 455:564-5672007
UV rate constant data - VirusPredicted Inactivation of Viruses of Relevance to Biodefense by Solar RadiationLytle CD, Sagripanti JL

Contains valid UV k data

J Virol 7922:14244-142522005
UV rate constant data - VirusMultiplicity reactivation of Reovirus particles after exposure to ultraviolet lightMcClain ME, Spendlove RS

Contains valid UV k data

J Bact 925:1422-14291966
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of SARS coronavirus by means of povidoneiodine, physical conditions, and chemical reagentsKariwa H, Fujii N, Takashima I

Contains valid UV k data

Jpn J Vet Res 523:105-1122004
UV rate constant data - FungiInactivation of molds by germicidal ultraviolet energyLuckiesh M, Taylor AH, Knowles T, Leppelmeier ET

Contains valid UV k data

Journal of the Franklin Institute 2484:311-3251949
UV rate constant data - BacteriaGermicidal effect of ultraviolet irradiation on paper contaminated with mycobacteriaHuber TW, Reddick RA, Kubica GP

Contains valid UV k data for paper

Appl Microbiol 19:383-3841970
UV rate constant data - VirusEnhanced UV inactivation of Adenoviruses under polychromatic UV lampsLinden KG, Thurston J, Schaefer R, Malley JP

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 7323:7571-75742007
UV rate constant data - FungiEffectiveness of germicidal UV radiation for reducing fungal contamination within air-handling unitsLevetin E, Shaughnessy R, Rogers CA, Scheir R

Contains valid UV k data

Applied & Environ Microbiol 678:3712-37152001
UV rate constant data - VirusEffect of UV light on RNA directed DNA polymerase activity of murine oncornavirusesLovinger GG, Ling HP, Gilden RV, Hatanaka M

Contains valid UV k data

J Virol 15:12731975
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDisinfection of Acinetobacter baumanii-contaminated surfaces relevant to medical treatment facilities with ultraviolet C lightRastogi VK, Wallace L, Smith LS

Contains valid UV k data

Mil Med 17211:1166-11692007
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDifferential, lethal and mutagenic action of 254 nm and 320-400 nm radiation on semi-dried bacteriaWebb SJ, Tai CC

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 12:119-1431970
UV rate constant data - BacteriaA comparative study of the effects of UVC irradiation on select procaryotic and eucaryotic wound pathogensSullivan PK and T Conner-Kerr

Contains valid UV k data

Ostomy Wound Manage 4610: 28-342000
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUVGI Catalog and Design GuidePhilips

Historical Catalog

Netherlands: Catalog No UDC 628.91985
UV rate constant data - VirusUV Light Inactivation of Bacterial Biothreat AgentsRose, LJ and H O'Connell

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 759: 2987-29002009
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUV dose required to achieve incremental log inactivation of bacteria, protozoa and virusesChevrefils G, Caron E, Wright H, Sakamoto G, Payment P, Barbeau B, Cairns B

Summary of UV k data from 2006

IUVA News 81:38-452006
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet-induced damage to DNA independent of molecular weightScholes CP, Hutchinson F, Hales HB

Contains valid UV k data

J Mol Biol 24:471-4741967
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Handbook: UVGI for Air and Surface DisinfectionKowalski, WJ

Contains valid UV k data

New York, Springer2009
UV rate constant data - VirusThe physical state of viral nucleic acid and the sensitivity of viruses to ultraviolet lightRauth AM

Contains valid UV k data

Biophysical Journal 5:257-2731965
UV rate constant data - VirusRadiation Biology Volume IIZelle MR, Hollaender A

Historical document

New York: McGraw-Hill1955
UV rate constant data - BacteriaRadiation BiologyCasarett AP

Historical Reference with valid UV k data

Englewood: Prentice-Hall1968
UV rate constant data - VirusPyrimidine dimers in ultraviolet-irradiated DNA’sSetlow RB, Carrier WL

Contains valid UV k data

J Mol Biol 17:237-254 missing 250-2541966
UV SafetyProtection against lethal damage induced by ultraviolet radiationSchoenborn, HW

UV safety document

J Eukaryotic Microbiol 32: 97-991956
UV ModelingProposed method for measurement of the output of monochromatic 254 nm low pressure UV lampsLaval, O, B Dussert, C Howarth, K Platzer, M Sasges, J Muller, E Whitby, R Stowe, V Adam, D Witham, S Engel, P Posey and A vandePol

Contains valid UV k data

IUVA News 101: 14-172008
UV ModelingMolecular Photobiology: Inactivation and RecoverySmith KC, Hanawalt PC

Contains valid UV k data

New York: Academic Press1969
UV ModelingMathematical modeling of UVGI for air disinfectionKowalski WJ, Bahnfleth WP, Witham DL, Severin BF, Whittam TS

Modeling document

Quantitative Microbiology 23:249-2702000
UV ModelingLighting Handbook: Reference & Application IESNA HB-9-2000IESNA

Historic IESNA refrence book

New York: Illumination Engineering Society of North America2000
UV rate constant data - BacteriaBactericidal effect of ultraviolet radiationRentschler HC, Nagy R, Mouromseff G

Contains valid UV k data

J Bacteriol 42:745-7741941
UV PerformanceApplications of Germicidal, Erythemal and Infrared EnergyLuckiesh M

Contains valid UV k data

New York: D Van Nostrand Co1946
UV StandardsAccurate measurement of UV lamp outputSasges, M and J Robinson

Lamp output measurements

IUVA News 73: 21-252005
UV rate constant data - VirusAbsorption spectra of nucleotides, polynucleotides, and nucleic acids in the far ultravioletVoet, D, Walter, B, Gratzer, R, A, Cox, Paul, Doty

Contains valid UV k data

Biopolymers, 13:193-2081963
UV StandardsA standard method of quantifying the output of UV lampsSasges, M, A vanderPool, A Voronov and J Robinson

Standard Method

IUVA/IOA Joint Congress, International Ultraviolet Association2007
UV rate constant data - VirusViricidal activity of open airBenbough JE, AM Hood

Contains valid UV k data in air

Journal of Hygiene 69:619-6261971
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUV-induced inactivation rates for airborne Mycobacterium bovis BCGPeccia J, and Hernandez, M

Contains valid UV k data

J Occup Environ Hyg 17:430-4352002
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUV radiators in humidifying units and air channels of air conditioning systems in hospitalsGrun L, Pitz N

Historical data on cooling coil UV

Zbl Bakt Hyg B159:50-601974
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUse of ultraviolet irradiation in a room air conditioner for removal of bacteriaHarstad JB, HM Decker, AGWedum

Historical document on cooling coil UV

American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 2:148-1511954
UV PerformanceUltra-violet Irradiation as a Means of Disinfection of AirHollaender, A

Historical document on air disinfection

Am J Public Health Nations Health 338: 980-9841943
UV PerformanceUltra-violet Irradiation as a Means of Disinfection of AirHollaender, A

Historical document on air disinfection

Am J Public Health Nations Health 338: 980-9841943
UV rate constant data - VirusThe ultraviolet susceptibility of aerosolised microorganisms and the role of photoreactivation; 2003; ViennaFletcher LA, Noakes CJ, Beggs CB, Sleigh PA, Kerr KG

Contains valid UV k data

UV rate constant data - BacteriaThe influence of relative humidity on the UV susceptibility of airborne gram negative bacteriaFletcher, L

Contains valid UV k & RH effects data

IUVA News 61: 12-192004
UV rate constant data - VirusThe inactivation of poliovirus in aerosolsde Jong JC, KC Winkler

Contains valid UV k data

Journal of Hygiene 66:557-5651968
UV rate constant data - BacteriaThe effects of ultraviolet light on bacteria suspended in airSharp G

Contains valid UV k data

J Bact 38:535-5471940
UV PerformanceSterilization efficacy of ultraviolet irradiation on microbial aerosols under dynamic airflow by experimental air conditioning systemsNakamura H

Contains valid UV k airborne data

Bull Tokyo Med Dent Univ 342:25-401987
UV rate constant data - BacteriaStability of disseminated aerosols of Pastuerella tularensis subjected to simulated solar radiations at various humiditiesBeebe JM

Contains valid airborne UV k data

Journal of Bacteriology 78:18-241959
UV rate constant data - BacteriaSize and UV germicidal irradiation susceptibility of Serratia marcescens when aerosolized from different suspending mediaLai KM, Burge, H, and First, MW

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 704:2021-20272004
UV PerformanceReduction of Particles in the Operating Room Using Ultraviolet Air Disinfection and Recirculation UnitsCurtis, GL, M Faour, M Jawad, AK Klika, WK Barsoum and CA Higuera

Contains valid UV k data & particle data

J Arthroplasty 337S: S196-S2002018
UV rate constant data - BacteriaPhotoreactivation in Airborne Mycobacterium parafortuitumPeccia J, Hernandez M

Contains valid UV k data

Appl and Environ Microbiol 67:4225-42322001
UV rate constant data - BacteriaPhotoreactivation and ultraviolet inactivation of Mycobacteria in air, MS ThesisGillis HL

Contains valid UV k data

Atlanta, Georgia Technical University1974
UV rate constant data - BacteriaMethod of Testing Ultraviolet Lamps for Use In HVAC&R Units of Air Ducts to Inactivate Microorganisms on Irradiated SurfacesASHRAE

Proposed method of testing

UV PerformanceKilling air-borne microorganisms with germicidal energyLuckiesh M, Taylor AH, Knowles T

Contains valid UV k data

Journal of the Franklin Institute Oct :267-2901947
UV rate constant data - VirusInfluence of relative humidity on the photochemistry of DNA filmsRahn RO, Hosszu JL

Contains valid UV & RH effects data

Biochim Biophys Acta 190:126-1311969
UV rate constant data - BacteriaInfluence of relative humidity on particle size and UV sensitivity of Serratia marcescens and Mycobacterium bovis BCG aerosolsKo G, First MW, Burge HA

Contains valid UV k data & RH effects

Tuber Lung Dis 804/5:217-2282000
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of virus-containing aerosols by ultraviolet germicidal irradiationTseng C-C, Li C-S

Contains valid UV k data

Aerosol Sci Technol 391136-11422005
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of the coronavirus that induces severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS-CoVDarnell MER, Subbarao K, Feinstone SM, Taylor DR

Contains valid UV k data

J Virol Meth 121:85-912004
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of poxviruses by upper-room UVC light in a simulated hospital room environmentMcDevitt, JJ, DK Milton, SN Rudnick and MW First

Contains valid UV k data

PLoS One 39: e31862008
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of airborne viruses by ultraviolet irradiationJensen MM

Contains valid UV k data

Applied Microbiology 125:418-4201964
UV PerformanceImpact of UVC-sustained recirculating air filtration on airborne bacteria and dust in a pig facilityEisenloffel, L, T Reutter, M Horn, S Schlegel, U Truyen and S Speck

Contains valid UV & filtration data

PLoS One 1411: e02250472019
UV PerformanceFeasibility Study of Germicidal UV Lamps for Air Disinfection in Simulated Patient Care RoomsKethley TW

Historical Air Disinfection Test

San Francisco, CA: American Public Health Association1973
UV rate constant data - BacteriaFactors affecting the viability of air-borne bacteria: V The effect of desiccation on some metabolic systems of Escherichia coliWebb SJ

Contains valid UV k data

Can J Microbiol 7:621-6321961
UV rate constant data - BacteriaFactors affecting the viability of air-borne bacteria: IV The inactivation and reactivation of air-borne Serratia marcescens by ultraviolet and visible lightWebb SJ

Contains valid UV k data

Can J Microbiol 7:607-6191961
UV PerformanceEvaluation of multiple fixed in-room air cleaners with ultraviolet germicidal irradiation, in high-occupancy areas of selected commercial indoor environmentsLee, L D, G Delclos, ML Berkheiser, MT Barakat and PA Jensen

In-place testing of air disinfection

J Occup Environ Hyg 191: 67-772022
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEfficacy of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation of upper-room air in inactivating airborne bacterial spores and mycobacteria in full-scale studiesXu, P, J Peccia, P Fabian, JW Martyny, KP Fennelly, M Hernandez and SL Miller

Contains valid UV k data

Atmos Environ 37: 405-4192003
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffects of relative humidity on the ultraviolet induced inactivation of airborne bacteriaPeccia J, Werth HM, Miller S, Hernandez M

Contains valid UV k & RH data

Aerosol Sci & Technol 35:728-7402001
UV PerformanceEffectiveness of a shielded ultraviolet C air disinfection system in an inpatient pharmacy of a tertiary care children’s hospitalGuimera, D, J Trzil, J Joyner and ND Hysmith

Concentration reduction data

Am J Infect Control 462: 223-2252018
UV PerformanceEffectiveness of a shielded ultraviolet C air disinfection system in an inpatient pharmacy of a tertiary care children’s hospitalGuimera, D, J Trzil, J Joyner and ND Hysmith

Concentration reduction data

Am J Infect Control 462: 223-2252018
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffect of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation on viral aerosolsWalker CM, Ko G

Contains valid UV k data

Environ Sci Technol 4115:5460-54652007
UV rate constant data - VirusEffect of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation of the air on the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections in kittens in a nurseryJaynes, RA, MC Thompson and MA Kennedy

Outcomes based results

J Am Vet Med Assoc 2579: 929-9322020
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffect of relative humidity on the inactivation of airborne Serratia marcescens by ultraviolet radiationRiley RL, Kaufman JE

Contains valid UV k data

Applied Microbiology 236:1113-11201972
UV RH data - SporesEffect of relative humidity on the aerodynamic diameter and respiratory deposition of fungal sporesReponen, T, K Willeke, V Ulevicius, A Reponen and S Grinshpun

RH data

Atmos Environ 30: 3967-39741996
UV PerformanceDevelopment of a protocol for the determination of the ultraviolet sensitivity of microorganisms suspended in airKe, Q, S Craik, M El-Din and J Bolton

Contains valid UV k data & a test protocol

Aerosol Sci Technol 434: 284-2892009
UV ModelingDesign and optimization of UVGI air disinfection systems Doctoral Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State UniversityKowalski, WJ

Design & optimization

UV PerformanceDefining the Effectiveness of UV Lamps Installed in Circulating Air DuctworkVan Osdell, D and K Foarde

Modeling effectiveness

Arlington, VA, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Institute2002
UV PerformanceClearing the air: The theory and application of ultraviolet disinfectionRiley RL, Nardell EA

Performance theory

Am Rev Resp Dis 139:1286-12941989
UV rate constant data - BacteriaCharacterization of Mycoplasma aerosols as to viability, particle size, and lethality of ultraviolet radiationKundsin RB

Contains valid UV k data

J Bacteriol 913:942-9441966
UV PerformanceBiological Inactivation Efficiency by HVAC In-Duct Ultraviolet Light Systems: Steril-Aire, IncEPA

Contains valid UV k data

Environmental Protection Agency2006
UV ModelingBioassay and dose measurement in UV disinfectionQualls RG, Johnson JD

UV Dose measurement data

Appl Microb 453:872-8771983
UV rate constant data - BacteriaBactericidal irradiation of air, physical factorsWells WF

Contains valid UV k data

J Franklin Inst 229:347-3721940
UV rate constant data - BacteriaBactericidal action of ultraviolet radiation on air-borne microorganismsRentschler HC, Nagy R

Contains valid UV k data

J Bacteriol 44:85-941942
UV applicationsAirborne spread of measles in a suburban elementary schoolRiley, EC, G Murphy and RL Riley

Epidemiology study

Am J Epidemiol 1075: 421-4321978
UV rate constant data - BacteriaAerosols of Mycoplasmas, L forms, and bacteria: Comparison of particle size, viability, and lethality of ultraviolet radiationKundsin RB

Contains valid UV k data

Applied Microbiology 161:143-1461968
UV PerformanceAdvantages of bactericidal ultraviolet radiation in air conditioning systemsRentschler HC, Nagy R

Historical Air Disinfection & Cooling Coil document

HPAC 12:127-1301940
UV rate constant data - BacteriaAbiotic and sublethal effects of ultraviolet radiation on microorganismsHollaender, A

Contains valid UV k data

Aerobiol 17: 156-1651942
UV ModelingA quantitative method of determining the lethal effect of ultraviolet light on bacteria suspended in airSharp DG


J Bact 35:589-5991938
UV rate constant data - SporesHigher effectiveness of photoinactivation of bacterial spores, UV resistant vegetative bacteria and mold spores with 222 nm compared to 254 nm wavelengthClau? M

Contains valid UV k data & Far-UV data

Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica 346:525?5322006
UV rate constant data - BacteriaZur Photosensibilit?t der BakterienM?ller, R, Schicht, G

Contains valid UV k data

Archiv Mikrobiol 51, 290?306 19651965
UV PerformanceWavelength dependence of ultraviolet-induced DNA damage distribution: Involvement of direct or indirect mechanisms and possible artefactsKuluncsics Z, Perdiz D, Brulay E, Muel B, Sage E

Contains valid UV wavelength dependence data

J Photochem & Photobiol 491:71-801999
UV rate constant data - VirusVirus, bacteriophages and water purificationHavelaar AH

Contains valid UV k data

Vet Q 94:356-3601987
UV rate constant data - VirusVirus inactivation during disinfection of wastewater by chlorination and UV irradiation and the efficacy of F+ bacteriophage as a ‘viral indicator’Tree J, Adams M, Lees D

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Sci Technol 3511-12:227-2321997
UV rate constant data - VirusVirus inactivation and protein recovery in a novel ultraviolet-C reactorWang J, Mauser A, Chao SF, Remington K, Treckmann R, Kaiser K, Pifat D, Hotta J

Contains valid UV k data

Vox Sang 864:230-2382004
UV ModelingUV-reactivation of bacteriophage l in excision repair-deficient hosts: Independence of red functions and attachment regionsRadman M, Devoret R

Photoreactivation data

Virol 43:5041971
UV rate constant data - VirusUV-irradiation of related mouse hybrid cells: Similar increase in capacity to replicate intact Minute-Virus-of-Mice but differential enhancement of survival of UV-irradiated virusVos JM, Cornelis JJ, Limbosch S, Zampetti-Bosseler F, Rommelare J

Contains valid UV k data

Mutat Res 83:171-1781981
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUV-inactivation of microorganisms in waterSommer R, Weber G, Cabaj A, Wekerle J, Keck G, Schauberger G

Contains valid UV k data

Zentralbl Hyg Umweltmed 1893:214-2241989
UV rate constant data - VirusUV-enhanced reactivation of Minute-Virus of-Mice: Stimulation of a late step in the viral life cycleRommelaere J, Vos J-M, Cornelis JJ, Ward DC

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 33:845-8541981
UV PerformanceUV-disinfection reactor validation by computational fluid dynamics and relation to biodosimetry and actinometryDeguchi K, Yamaguchi S, Ishida H

Contains valid UV k data

J Wat Technol Environ Technol 31:77-842005
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUV light-induced survival response in a highly radiation-resistant isolate of the Moraxella-Acinetobacter groupKeller LC, Thompson TL, Macy RB

Contains valid UV k data

Appl & Environ Microb 432:424-4291982
UV rate constant data - ProtozoaUV light inactivation of Cryptosporidium oocystsClancy JL, Hargy TH, Marshall MM, Dyksen JE

Contains valid UV k data

J AWWA 909:92-1021998
UV rate constant data - VirusUV inactivation of the biological activity of defective interfering particles generated by Vesicular Stomatitis virusBay PHS, Reichman ME

Contains valid UV k data

J Virol 323:876-8841979
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUV inactivation of pathogenic and indicator microorganismsChang JCH, Ossoff SF, Lobe DC, Dorfman MH, Dumais CM, Qualls RG, Johnson JD

Contains valid UV k data

Appl & Environ Microbiol 496:1361-13651985
UV rate constant data - VirusUV inactivation of herpes simplex viruses, types 1 and 2Wolff MH, Schneweis KE

Contains valid UV k data

Zentralbl Bakteriol 2234:470-4771973
UV rate constant data - ProtozoaUV inactivation of Cryptosporidium hominis as measured in cell cultureJohnson A, Linden K, Ciociola K, DeLeon R, Widmer G, Rochelle P

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 715:2800- 28022005
UV rate constant data - VirusUV inactivation of adenovirus type 41 measured by cell culture mRNA RT-PCRKo G, Cromenas TL, Sobsey MD

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Res 39:3643-36492005
UV rate constant data - VirusUV inactivation and thymine dimerization in bacteriophage phiX.ZDavid CN

Contains valid UV k data

Verberbungsl 95:318-3251964
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUV dose-response of Acinetobacter baumanii in waterTempleton, M, M Antonakaki and M Rogers

Contains valid UV k data

Environ Sci Eng 263: 697-7012009
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUsing ultraviolet light for disinfection of finished waterBukhari Z, Abrams F, LeChevallier M

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Sci Technol 501:173-1782004
UV PerformanceUse of UV rays for the disinfection of water Microbiological studies of surface waterMartiny H, Wlodavezyk K, Ruden H

Contains valid UV k data

Zentralbl Bakteriol Mikrobiol Hyg B 1864:344-3591988
UV rate constant data - VirusUse of aqueous silver to enhance inactivation of coliphage MS-2 by UV disinfectionButkus MA, Labare MP, Starke JA, Moon K, Talbot M

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 05:2848-28532004
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUltraviolet susceptibility of BCG and virulent tubercle bacilliRiley RL, Knight M, Middlebrook G

Contains valid UV k data

Am Rev Resp Dis 113:413-4181976
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet sterilization of model viruses important to finfish aquaculture in AustraliaMiocevic, I, J Smith, L Owens and R Speare

Contains valid UV k data

Aust Vet J 701: 25-271993
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet photobiology of Kilham rat virus and the absolute ultraviolet photosensitivities of other animal viruses: Influence of DNA strandedness, molecular weight, and host-cell repairProctor WR, Cook JS, Tennant RW

Contains valid UV k data

Virology 492:368-3781972
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet irradiation of DNA complexed with a alph/beta-type small, acid-soluble protein from spores of Bacillus or Clostridium species makes spore phoptoproduct but not thymine dimersNicholson WL, Setlow B, Setlow P

Contains valid UV k data

Proc Nat Acad Sci 88:8288-82921991
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUltraviolet irradiation inactivates the waterborne infective stages of Myxobolus cerebralis: A treatment for hatchery water suppliesHedrick, R, T McDowell, G Marty, K Mukkatira, D Antonio, K Andree, Z Bukhari and T Clancy

Contains valid UV k data

Dis Aquatic Org 421: 53-592000
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet inactivation of the midi variant of QBeta RNA: the sites of UV-induced replication inhibitionO'Hara PJ, Gordon MP

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 31:47-541980
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet inactivation of selected bacteria and viruses with photoreactivation of the bacteriaHarris GD, Adams VD, Sorenson DL, Curtis MS

Contains valid UV k data

Water Res 216:687-6921987
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet inactivation of Influenza virus RNA in vitro and in vivoPons MW, Rochovansky OM

Contains valid UV k data

Virol 97:183-1891979
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet inactivation of Feline Calicivirus, Human Enteric Viruses, and coliphagesNuanualsuwan S, Mariam T, Himathongkham S, Cliver DO

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 764:406-4102002
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet inactivation of Avian Sarcoma viruses: Biological and Biochemical analysisOwada M, Ihara S, Toyoshima K

Contains valid UV k data

Virol 69:710-7181976
UV rate constant data - FungiUltraviolet germicidal irradiation disinfection of Stachybotrys chartarumGreen CF, Favidson CS, Scarpino PV, Gibbs SG

Contains valid UV k data

Can J Microbiol 51:801-8042005
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUltraviolet disinfection of drinking water Communication: Inactivation of E. coli and coliform bacteriaZemke V, Podgorsek L, Schoenen D

Contains valid UV k data

Zentralbl Hyg Umweltmed 1901-2:51-611990
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUltraviolet Disinfection of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria and Their Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Water and WastewaterMcKinney, C and A Pruden

Contains valid UV k data

Environ Sci & Technol 46: 13393-134002012
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet devitalization of eight selected enteric viruses in estuarine waterHill WF, Hamblet FE, Benton WH, Akin EW

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Microb 195:805-8121970
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet action spectrum of T1 bacteriophageFluke DJ, Pollard EC

Contains valid UV k data

Science 110:274-2751949
UV TheoryThymine dimerization in DNA is an ultrafast photoreactionSchreier WJ, Schrader TE, Koller FO, Gilch P, Crespo-Hernandez CE, Swaminathan VN, Carell T, Zinth W, Kohler B

Recent historical document

Science 315:625-6292007
UV rate constant data - BacteriaThymine auxotrophy is associated with increased UV sensitivity in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilisLojo MM

Contains valid UV k data

Mutation Research 347:25-301995
UV rate constant data - VirusThe variation in UV sensitivity of four K12 strains of Escherichia coli as a function of their stage of growthTyrrell RM, Moss SH, Davies DJG

Contains valid UV k data

Mutat Res 16:1-121972
UV rate constant data - VirusThe UV-resistance of double-stranded phiX174 DNAYarus

Contains valid UV k data

J Mol Biol 8:614-6151964
UV rate constant data - VirusThe ultraviolet light inactivation of phiX174 bacteriophage at different wavelengths and ph’sSetlow R, Boyce R

Contains valid UV k data

Biophys J 1:29-411960
UV rate constant data - BacteriaThe nature of the action of ultraviolet light on microorganismsBedford THB

Contains valid UV k data

Brit J Exp Path 8:437-4411927
UV rate constant data - VirusThe mechanism for frozen aqueous solution irradiation of pyrimidinesWang SY

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 3:395-3981964
UV rate constant data - BacteriaThe lethal action of short ultraviolet rays on several common pathogenic bacteriaSharp G

Contains valid UV k data

J Bact 37:447-4591939
UV rate constant data - VirusThe inactivation of Adenoviruses by ultraviolet irradiation and nitrous acidWasserman F

Contains valid UV k data

Virol 17:335-3411962
UV rate constant data - VirusThe inactivating effect of monochromatic ultraviolet radiation on influenza virusHollaender A, Oliphant JW

Contains valid UV k data

J Bact 484:447-4541944
UV rate constant data - SporesThe fungal spores elimination in drinking water by UV radiation In: Fajzieva D, Brebbia CA, editorsTothova L, Frankova E

Contains valid UV k data

Environmental Health Risk, Southampton: WIT Press2001
UV rate constant data - ProtozoaThe effects of UV irradiation on human-derived Giardia lamblia cystsCampbell, A and P Wallis

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Res 364: 963-9692002
UV rate constant data - BacteriaThe effects of ultraviolet radiation on the moderate halophile Halomonas elongata and the extreme halophile Halobacterium salinarumMartin E, Reinhardt R, Baum L, Becker M, Shaffer J, Kokjohn T

Contains valid UV k data

Can J Microbiol 462:180-1872000
UV rate constant data - BacteriaThe effects of ultraviolet irradiation on Mycobacteriophages and their infectious DNAsSellers MI, Nakamura R, Tokunaga T

Contains valid UV k data

J Gen Virol 73:233-2471970
UV rate constant data - VirusThe effect of UV-irradiation on the plaque-forming ability of single- and double-stranded polyoma virus DNAvan der Eb AJ, Cohen JA

Contains valid UV k data

Biochem Biophys Res Comm 282:284-2931967
UV rate constant data - VirusThe effect of monochromatic ultraviolet radiation on the infectivity and hemagglutinating ability of the influenza virus type A strain PR-8Tamm I, Fluke DJ

Contains valid UV k data

J Bact 59:449-4611950
UV rate constant data - SporesThe destruction of spores of Bacillus subtilis by the combined effects of hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet lightWaites WM, Harding SE, Fowler DR, Jones SH, Shaw D, Martin M

Contains valid UV k data

Lett Appl Microbiol 7:139-1401988
UV rate constant data - VirusThe cluster model of ultraviolet disinfection explains tailing kineticsKowalski, WJ, WP Bahnfleth, M Raguse and R Moeller

Contains valid UV k data

J Appl Microbiol 1284: 1003-10142020
UV rate constant data - FungiThe action of ultraviolet radiation on dermatophytes The fungicidal effect of monochromatic ultraviolet radiation on the spores of Trichophyton mentagrophytesHollaender, A and CW Emmons

Contains valid UV k data

Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology 13: 391-4021939
UV PerformanceTesting the equivalency of ultraviolet light and chlorine for disinfection of wastewater to reclamation standardsOppenheimer JA, Jacangelo JG, Laine J-M, Hoagland JE

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Environ Res 691:14-241997
UV rate constant data - BacteriaTemperature, pH, and electrolyte sensitivity, and heat, UV and disinfectant inactivation of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax neuropathy nodavirusFrerichs GN, Tweedle A, Starkey WG, Richards RH

Contains valid UV k data

Aquaculture 185:13-242000
UV PerformanceTechnical and sanitary aspect of wastewater disinfection by ultraviolet irradiation for landscape irrigationLazarova V, Savoye P

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Sci Technol 502:203-2092004
UV rate constant data - VirusSusceptibility of fish pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungus to ultraviolet radiation and the disinfectant effect of USako H, and Sorimachi, M

Contains valid UV k data

Bull Nat Res Inst Aquacult 8:51-581985
UV rate constant data - BacteriaSusceptibility of Campylobacter jejuni and Yersinia enterolitica to UV radiationButler RC, Lund, V, and Carlson, DA

Contains valid UV k data

Zbl Vet Med B 29:129-1361987
UV rate constant data - BacteriaSurvival of UV-irradiated vaccinia virus in normal and xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts; evidence for repair of UV-damaged viral DNAKlein B, Filon AR, vanZeeland AA, vanderEb AJ

Contains valid UV k data

Mutat Res 3071:25-321994
UV rate constant data - BacteriaSurvival of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 after UV radiation exposureQiu, X, GW Sundin, B Chai and JM Tiedje

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 7011: 6435-64432004
UV rate constant data - VirusSurvivability of fish pathogenic viruses in environmental water, and inactivation of fish virusesYoshimizu M, Yoshinaka T, Hatori S, Kasai H

Contains valid UV k data

Bull Fish Res Agen Suppl 2:47-542005
UV rate constant data - VirusStudies on thymine-derived UV photoproducts in DNA – I Formation and biological role of pyrimidine adducts in DNAPatrick MH

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 254:357-3721977
UV rate constant data - SporesSpores of Bacillus subtilis: their resistance to and killing by radiation, heat, and chemicalsSetlow P

Contains valid UV k data

J Appl Microbiol 101:514-5252006
UV rate constant data - BacteriaSpectral sensitivity of Bacillus subtilis spores and MS2 coliphage for validation testing of ultraviolet reactors for water disinfectionMamane-Gravetz H, Linden KG, Cabaj A, Sommer R

Contains valid UV k data

Environ Sci Technol 39:7845-78522005
UV rate constant data - VirusSpecific cross-linking of capsid proteins to virus RNA by ultraviolet irradiation of PoliovirusWetz K, Habermehl K-O

Contains valid UV k data

J Gen Virol 59:397-4011982
UV rate constant data - FungiSome Lethal Effects of Ultra-Violet Radiation of Fungus SporesDimond, A, & Duggar, BM

Contains valid UV k data

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2710, 459?4681941
UV rate constant data - VirusSequential disinfection of Adenovirus Type 2 with UV-chlorinechloramineBallester N, Malley J

Contains valid UV k data

J Amer Wat Works Assoc 9610:97-1022004
UV rate constant data - VirusSensitized photoinactivation of bacteriophage T4Meistrich M, Lamola AA, Gabbay E

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 113:169-1781970
UV rate constant data - VirusSensitivity to ultraviolet light of single- and double-stranded DNAJansz

Contains valid UV k data

Biochim Biophys Acta 76:655-6571963
UV rate constant data - BacteriaSensitivity of the vibrios to ultraviolet-radiationBanerjee, SK, and SN Chatterjee

Contains valid UV k data

Int J Radiat Biol Relat Stud Phys Chem Med 322: 127-1331977
UV rate constant data - BacteriaSensitivity of pathogenic and free-living Leptospira spp to UV radiation and mitomycin CStamm, LV, & Charon, NW

Contains valid UV k data

Applied and environmental microbiology, 543, 728?7331988
UV rate constant data - BacteriaSensitivity of microorganisms to different wavelengths of UV light: Implications on modeling of medium pressure UV systemsGiese N, Darby J

Contains valid UV k wavelength dependence

Wat Res 3416:4007-40132000
UV rate constant data - BacteriaRe-use of wastewater: Preventing the recovery of pathogens by using medium-pressure UV lamp technologyKalisvaart BF

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Sci Technol 3310:261-2692004
UV rate constant data - BacteriaResponse of Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7 to UV energyYaun B, Eifert SSJ, Marcy J

Contains valid UV k data

J Food Prot 666:1071-10732003
UV rate constant data - BacteriaResponse of a biofilm bacterial community to UV RadiationElasri MO, Miller RV

Contains valid UV data on biofilms

Appl & Environ Microbiol 655:2025-20311999
UV rate constant data - VirusRespective Roles of Pyrimidine Dimer and Pyrimidine 6-4 Pyrimidone Photoproducts in UV Mutagenesis of Simian Virus 40 DNA in Mammalian CellsBourre F, Benoit A, Sarasin A

Contains valid UV k data

J Virol 6311:4520-45241989
UV rate constant data - VirusResistance to ultraviolet light as an index to the reproduction of bacteriophageBenzer S

Contains valid UV k data

J Bact 63:59-721952
UV rate constant data - BacteriaResistance of selected strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to low intensity ultraviolet radiationAbshire RL, Dunton H

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Envir Microb 416:1419-14231981
UV rate constant data - VirusResistance of Berne virus to physical and chemical treatmentWeiss M, Horzinek MC

Contains valid UV k data

Vet Microbiol 11:41-491986
UV rate constant data - BacteriaRepair and regrowth of Escherichia coli after low- and medium-pressure ultraviolet disinfectionHu JY, Chu SN, Quek PH, Feng YY, Tang XL

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Sci Technol 55:101-1082005
UV rate constant data - BacteriaRelative susceptibility of acid-fast and non-acid fast bacteria to ultraviolet lightCollins FM

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Microbiol 21:411-4131971
UV rate constant data - VirusRadiosensitivity as an index of herpes simplex virus developmentPowell, WF

Contains valid UV k data

Virol 91-191959
UV rate constant data - VirusRadiobiological inactivation of Epstein-Barr virusHenderson E, Heston L, Grogan E, Miller G

Contains valid UV k data

J Virol 251:51-591978
UV rate constant data - VirusRadiation studies of avian tumor viruses and of Newcastle disease virusLevinson W, Rubin R

Contains valid UV k data

Virol 28:533-5421966
UV rate constant data - VirusRadiation enhanced reactivation of nuclear replicating mammalian virusesBockstahler LE

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 255: 477-4821977
UV rate constant data - VirusProperties of the causative agent of a chicken tumor The inactivation of the tumor-producing agent by monochromatic ultraviolet lightSturm E, Gates FL, Murphy JB

Contains valid UV k data

J Exp Med 55:441-4441932
UV rate constant data - VirusProduction of viral structural antigens by irradiated adenovirus as an assay for DNA repair in human fibroblasts In: Hanawalt PC, Friedberg EC, Cox CF, editorsRainbow AJ

Contains valid UV k data

DNA Repair Mechanisms, NY p5411978
UV rate constant data - BacteriaPotential repair of Escherichia coli following exposure to UV radiation from both medium- and low-pressure UV sources used in drinking water treatmentZimmer JL, Slawson RM

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 687:3293-32992002
UV rate constant data - VirusPoliovirus double-stranded RNA: Inactivation by ultraviolet lightBishop JM, Quintrell N, Koch G

Contains valid UV k data

J Mol Biol 24:125-1281967
UV rate constant data - BacteriaPlasmid-associated sensitivity of Bacillus thuringensis to UV lightBenoit TG, Wilson GR, Bull DL, Aronson AI

Contains valid UV k data

Appl & Environ Microbiol 568:2282-22861990
UV rate constant data - VirusPhysicochemical stability and inactivation of Human and Simian RotavirusesMeng Z-D, Birch C, Heath R, Gust I

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 534:727-7301987
UV rate constant data - BacteriaPhotoreactivation of ultraviolet-irradiated Escherichia coli, with special reference to the dose-reduction principle and to ultraviolet-induced mutationKelner A

Contains valid UV k data

J Bact 58:511-5221949
UV rate constant data - BacteriaPhotoreactivation of Salmonella following UV disinfectionTosa K, Hirata T

Contains valid UV k data

Proc IAWQ 19th Biennial Int Conf 10, Health-Related Water Microbiology1998
UV rate constant data - BacteriaPhotoreactivation of killing in Streptomyces: Action spectra and kinetic studiesJagger J, Takebe H, Snow JM

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 12:185-1961970
UV rate constant data - BacteriaPhotoreactivation of induced mutation and inactivation of Escherichia coli exposed to various wave lengths of monochromatic ultraviolet radiationZelle MR, Ogg JE, Hollaender A

Photoreactivation document

J Bact 752:190-1981958
UV rate constant data - BacteriaPhotoreactivation of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli following UV disinfectionTosa K, Hirata T

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Res 332:361-3661999
UV rate constant data - VirusPhotohydration of uridine in the RNA of coliphage R17 II The relationship between ultraviolet inactivation and uridine photohydrationRemsen JF, Miller N, Cerutti PA

Contains valid UV k data

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 65:460-4661970
UV rate constant data - VirusPhages T7 in biological UV dose measurementRonto G, Gaspar S, Berces A

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 12:285-2941992
UV rate constant data - VirusMonochromatic ultraviolet action spectra and quantum yields for inactivation of T1 and T2 Escherichia coli bacteriophagesZelle MR, Hollaender A

Contains valid UV k data

J Bact 68:210-2151954
UV rate constant data - BacteriaModelling of ultraviolet light inactivation kinetics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus, Clostridium difficile spores and murine norovirus on fomite surfacesMitchell, J B, L Y Sifuentes, A Wissler, S Abd-Elmaksoud, GU Lopez and CP Gerba

Contains valid UV k data

J Appl Microbiol 1261: 58-672019
UV ModelingModelling of reactivation after UV disinfection: Effect of UV-C dose on subsequent photoreactivation and dark repairSanz EN, Davila IS, Balao JAA, Alonso JMQ

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Res 41:3141-31512007
UV ModelingModelling of reactivation after UV disinfection: effect of UV-C dose on subsequent photoreactivation and dark repairNebot SE, Davila IS, Andrade JAA, Alonso JMQ

Contains valid UV k data

Water Res 4114:3141-31512007
UV rate constant data - BacteriaModeling of secondary treated wastewater disinfection by UV irradiation: effects of suspended solids contentBrahmi, M, NH Belhadi, H Hamdi and A Hassen

Contains valid UV k data

J Environ Sci China 228: 1218-12242010
UV rate constant data - BacteriaMicrobial UV fluence-response assessment using a novel UV-LED collimated beam systemBowker, C, Sain, A Shatalov, M Ducoste, J

Contains valid UV k data – collimated beams

Water Research 455: 2011-20192011
UV PerformanceMicrobial inactivation and characterization of toxicity and by-products occurring in reclaimed wastewater disinfected with UV radiation; 1993 May 23-25; Whippany, NJOppenheimer J, Hoagland J, Laine J-M, Jacangelo J, Bhamrah A

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Environ Fed1993
UV rate constant data - VirusMechanism of high power picosecond laser UV inactivation of viruses and bacterial plasmidsGurzadyan GG, Nikogosyan DN, Kryukov PG, Letokhov VS, Balmukhanov TS, Belogurov AA, Zavilgelskij GB

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 33:835-8381981
UV rate constant data - BacteriaMeasurement of UV radiation using suspensions of microorganismsSommer R, Cabaj A, Sandu T, Lhotsky M

Contains valid UV k data

J Photochem Photobiol 531-3:1-51999
UV rate constant data - ProtozoaLow-pressure inactivation and DNA repair potential of Cryptosporidium parvum oocystsShin G, Linden K Arrowood M Sobsey M

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 677:3029-30322001
UV rate constant data - VirusLow pressure ultraviolet inactivation of pathogenic enteric viruses and bacteriophagesShin G, Linden KG, Sobsey MD

Contains valid UV k data

J Environ Eng Sci 4Supp 1:S7-S112005
UV rate constant data - BacteriaLow- and medium-pressure UV inactivation of microsporidia Encephalitozoon intestinalisHuffman D, Gennccaro A, Rose J, Dussert B

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Res 3612:3161-31642002
UV rate constant data - BacteriaLiterature review–efficacy of various disinfectants against Legionella in water systemsKim, BR, JE Anderson, SA Mueller, WA Gaines and AM Kendall

Contains valid UV k data

Water Res 3618: 4433-44442002
UV ModelingKinetic modeling of UV disinfection of waterSeverin BF, Suidan MT, Englebrecht RS

Modeling in water

Water Res 1711:1669-16781983
UV rate constant data - VirusIsotypical interference in vitro by Rous virus inactivated by ultraviolet raysGolde A, Latarjet R, Vigier P

Contains valid UV k data

C R Acad Sci Paris 253:2782-27841961
UV rate constant data - BacteriaIsolation and physiological characterization of mitomycin C-sensitive/UV-sensitive mutants in Bacteroides fragilisAbratt, VR, Jones DT & Woods DR

Contains valid UV k data

Journal of general microbiology, 1319, 2479?24831985
UV rate constant data - BacteriaInterrelationship of repair mechanisms in ultraviolet-irradiated Escherichia coliMoss SH, Davies DJG

Contains valid UV k data

J Bact 1201:15-231974
UV rate constant data - VirusInhibition of host cell protein synthesis by UV-inactivated poliovirusHelentjaris T, Ehrenfeld E

Contains valid UV k data

J Virol 211:259-2671977
UV rate constant data - BacteriaInfluence of liquid holding recovery and photoreactivation on survival of ultraviolet-irradiated fish pathogenic bacteriaLiltved H, Landfald B

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Res 305:1109-11141996
UV rate constant data - VirusInfectivity of RNA from Inactivated ProteinsNuanualsuwan S, Cliver DO

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 693:1629-16322003
UV rate constant data - VirusInfectious DNA from coliphage T1 The occurrence of single-strand breaks in stored, thermally-treated and UV-irradiated moleculesHotz G, Mauser R, Walser R

Contains valid UV k data

Int J Radiat Biol Relat Stud Phys Chem Med 19:519-5361971
UV rate constant data - VirusInduction of mutations in a bacterial virusWeigle JJ

Contains valid UV k data

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 39:6281953
UV rate constant data - VirusIndirect induction of mutagenesis of intact parvovirus H-1 in mammalian cells treated with UV light or with UV-irradiated H-1 or simian virus 40Cornelis JJ, Su ZZ, Ward DC, Rommelaere J

Contains valid UV k data

Proc Natl Acad Sci 787:4480-44841981
UV ModelingIndicators for photoreactivation and dark repair studies following ultraviolet disinfectionQuek PH, Hu J

Photoreactivation data

J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol2008
UV rate constant data - SporesIncreased resistance of environmental anaerobic spores to inactivation by UVHijnen, WAM, AJ van der Veer, EF Beerendonk and GJ Medema

Contains valid UV k data

Water Sci Technol 42:1472004
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation, by UV-, X-, and gamma-radiations, of the infecting and transforming capacities of polyoma virusLatarjet R, Cramer R, Montagnier L

Contains valid UV k data

Virol 33:104-1111967
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of two viral pathogens of salmonidsMaisse G, Dorson M, Torchy C

Contains valid UV k data

Bull Fran Piscicult 278:34-401980
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of single- and double-stranded ribonucleic acid of encephalomyocarditis virus by ultraviolet lightZavadova Z, Gresland L, Rosenbergova M

Contains valid UV k data

Acta Virol 12:515-5221968
UV rate constant data - BacteriaInactivation of pathogens with innovative UV technologies: American Research Foundation & American Water Works AssociationMalley JP, Ballester NA, Margolin AB, Linden KG, Mofidi A, Bolton JR, Crozes G, Laine JM, Janex ML

Contains valid UV k data

AWWA 20042004
UV rate constant data - BacteriaInactivation of Mycobacterium avium complex by UV irradiationShin G

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 7422:7067-70692008
UV rate constant data - BacteriaInactivation of Listeria monocytogenes by Ultraviolet EnergyYousef, A and E Marth

Contains valid UV k data

J Food Sci 532: 571-5731988
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of infectious salmon anaemia virus, viral hemorrhagic septicaemia virus and infectious pancreatic necrosis virus in water using UVC irradiationOye AK, Rimstad R

Contains valid UV k data

Dis Aquatic Organ 48:1-52001
UV rate constant data - ProtozoaInactivation of Giardia lamblia Cysts by Ultraviolet IrradiationRice EW, Hoff JC

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 423:546-5471981
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of Feline calicivirus and Adenovirus Type 40 by UV radiationThurston-Enriquez JA, Haas CN, Jacangelo J, Riley K, Gerba CP

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 691:577-5822003
UV rate constant data - BacteriaInactivation of Escherichia coli by ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide in a thin film contactorShama G

Contains valid UV k data

Letters in Appl Microb 15:259-2601992
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of enteric microorganisms with chemical disinfectants, UV irradiation and combined chemical/UV treatmentsKoivunen, J and H Heinonen-Tanski

Contains valid UV k data

Water Res 398: 1519-15262005
UV rate constant data - ProtozoaInactivation of Cryptosporidium oocysts using medium- and low-pressure ultraviolet radiationCraik S, Weldon D, Finch G, Bolton J, Belosevic M

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Res 351387-13982001
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of Coronaviruses and Phage Phi6 from Irradiation across UVC WavelengthsMa B, Linden YS, Gundy PM, Gerba CP, Sobsey MD, Linden KG

Contains valid UV k data

Environ Sci Technol Lett 2021 Mar 17:acs2021
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of CalicivirusesDuizer E, Bijkerk PB Rockx A dG Twisk F, Koopmans M

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 708:4538-45432004
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of bacteriophages in water by means of non-ionizing UV 253.7nm and ionizing gamma radiation: A comparative approachSommer R, Pribil W, Appelt S, Gehringer P, Eschweiler H, Leth H, Cabaj A, Haider T

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Res 3513:3109-31162001
UV rate constant data - BacteriaInactivation of bacterial and fish pathogens by ozonation or UV irradiation in water of different salinityLiltved H, Hektoen H, Efraimsen H

Contains valid UV k data

Aquacult Eng 14:107-1221995
UV rate constant data - BacteriaInactivation of Bacillus thuringiensis spores by ultraviolet and visible lightGriego VM, Spence KD

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 355:906-9101978
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of a strain of Tobacco necrosis virus and the RNA isolated from it, by ultraviolet radiation of different wavelengthsKassanis

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 4:209-2141965
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation of the Avain Influenza virus H5N2 in typical domestic wastewater and drinking water treatment systemsLucio-Forster A, Bowman DD, Lucio-Martinez B, Labare MP, Butkus MA

Contains valid UV k data

Environ Eng Sci 236:897-9032006
UV PerformanceInactivation kinetics in a flowthrough UV reactorSeverin BF, Suidan MT, Rittmann BE, Englebrecht RS

Modeling in water

J Water Pollution Control 562:164-1691984
UV rate constant data - BacteriaInactivation differences of microorganisms by low pressure UV and pulsed xenon lampsOtaki M, Okuda A, Tajima K, Iwasaki T, Kinoshita S, Ohgaki S

Contains valid UV k data – LP vs Pulsed Light

Wat Sci Technol 473:185-1902003
UV rate constant data - BacteriaInactivation credit of UV irradiation for viruses, bacteria and protozoan oocysts in water: A reviewHijnen WAM, Beerendonk EF, Medema GJ

A summary of UV k data

Wat Res 40:3-222006
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation and UV disinfection of Murine Norovirus with TiO2 under various environmental conditionsLee JE, Zoh KD, Ko GP

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 747:2111-21172008
UV rate constant data - ProtozoaInactivation and potential repair of C parvum following low- and medium-pressure ultraviolet radiationZimmer, J, R Slawson and P Huck

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Res 3714: 3517-35232003
UV rate constant data - BacteriaInactivation and Photorepair of Enteric Pathogenic Microorganisms with Ultraviolet IrradiationHu XX, S Geng and C Hu

Contains valid UV k data

Environ Eng Sci 29: 549-5532012
UV rate constant data - VirusInactivation and genome degradation of poliovirus 1 and F-specific RNA phages and degradation of their genomes by UV irradiation at 254 nanometersSimonet JCG

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 7212:7671-76772006
UV rate constant data - BacteriaInactivation action spectra of Bacillus subtilis spores in extended ultraviolet wavelengths 50-300 nm obtained with synchrotron radiationMunakata N, Saito M, Hieda K

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem & Photobiol 545:761-7681991
UV PerformanceImpacts of goethite particles on UV disinfection of drinking water, , 717: 4140-4143Wu, Y, Clevenger, T and Deng, B

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 717: 4140-41432005
UV rate constant data - VirusImpact of iron particles in groundwater on the UV inactivation of bacteriophages MS2 and T4Templeton MR, Andrews RC, Hofmann R

Contains valid UV k data

J Appl Microbiol 1013:732-7412006
UV rate constant data - VirusHost-cell repair of vaccinia virus and of double stranded RNA of encephalomyocarditis virusZavadova Z

Contains valid UV k data

Nature London New Biol 233:1231971
UV rate constant data - VirusHost-cell reactivation in mammalian cells Survival of ultraviolet-irradiated herpes virus in different cell-linesLytle CD

Contains valid UV k data

Int J Radiat Biol Relat Stud Phys Chem Med 194:329-3371971
UV rate constant data - BacteriaHost cell and ultraviolet reactivation of ultraviolet-irradiated Mycoplasma virusesDas J, Nowak JA, Manilof J

Contains valid UV k data

J Bact 1293:1424-14271977
UV rate constant data - BacteriaHeat and UV-resistance of spores of Bacillus cereus produced endotrophically in the presence of b-2-thienylalanineWeisova H, Vinter V, Starka J

Contains valid UV k data

Praha, Acad Sci Bohem 115:387-3911966
UV rate constant data - VirusGenomic DNA regions whose complementary strands are prone to UV light-induced crosslinkingNejedly K, Kittner R, Kypr J

Contains valid UV k data

Arch Biochem Biophys 3882:216-2242001
UV rate constant data - BacteriaGenetically controlled removal of spore photoproduct from deoxyribonucleic acid of ultraviolet-irradiated Bacillus subtilis sporesMunakata N, Rupert CS

Contains valid UV k data

J Bact 1111:192- 1981972
UV rate constant data - VirusGene-controlled reactivation of ultraviolet-irradiated bacteriophageHarm, W

Contains valid UV k data

J Cell Comp Physiol Suppl 581: 1691961
UV rate constant data - VirusExpression of Frog Virus 3 early genes after ultraviolet irradiationMartin JP, Aubertin AM, Kirn A

Contains valid UV k data

Virol 122:402-4101982
UV rate constant data - VirusExpression of early virus functions in Human Cytomegalovirus infected HEL cells: Effect of ultraviolet light-irradiation of the virusHirai K, Maeda F, Watanabe Y

Contains valid UV k data

J Gen Virol 38:121-1331977
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEvaluation of the UV disinfection process in bacteria and amphizoic ameoba inactivationMaya C, Beltran N, Jimenez B, Bonilla P

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Sci Technol 34:285-2912003
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEfficiency of pyrimidine dimer formation in Escherichia coli across UV wavelengthsEischeid, AC and KG Linden

Contains valid UV k data & wavelength dependence

J Appl Microbiol 1035: 1650-16562007
UV rate constant data - ProtozoaEfficacy of UV irradiation in inactivating C parvum oocystsMorita S, Namikoshi A, Hirata T, Oguma K, Katayama H, Ohgaki D, Motoyama N, Fujiwara M

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 6811:5387-53932002
UV rate constant data - VirusEffects of UV-irradiation upon Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virusSmirnov Y, Kapitulez S, Kaverin N

Contains valid UV k data

Virus Res 222:151-1581992
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffects of UV intensity and water turbidity on microbial indicator inactivationLiu, W-J and Y-J Zhang

Contains valid UV k data

J Environ Sci 184: 650-6532006
UV rate constant data - VirusEffects of ultraviolet light UV irradiation on RNA phage in H2O and in D2OFuruse K, Watanabe I

Contains valid UV k data

Virol 46:171-1721971
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffects of Flonlizer, ultraviolet sterilizer, on Legionella species inhabiting cooling tower waterYamamoto H, Urakami I, Nakano K, Ikedo M, Yabuuchi E

Contains valid UV k data

Microbiol Immunol 318:745-7521987
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffects of dose fractionation on ultraviolet survival of Escherichia coliHarm W

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem & Photobiol 7:73-861968
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffects of DNA-polymerase-defective and recombination-deficient mutations on the ultraviolet sensitivity of Bacillus subtilis sporesMunakata N, Rupert CS

Contains valid UV k data

Mutation Res 27:157-1691975
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffect of visible light on the recovery of Streptomyces griseus conidia from ultraviolet irradiation injuryKelner A

Contains valid UV k data

Proc Nat Acad Sci 352:73-791949
UV rate constant data - VirusEffect of UV irradiation on the expression of Vaccinia virus gene products synthesized in a cell-free system coupling transcription and translationBossart W, Nuss DL, Paoletti E

Contains valid UV k data

J Virol 263:673-6801978
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffect of UV irradiation on macromolecular synthesis and colony formation in Bacteroides fragilisSchumann, J P, Jones, D T, & Woods, D R

Contains valid UV k data

Journal of general microbiology, 1304, 771?7771984
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffect of UV irradiation 253.7?nm on free Legionella and Legionella associated with its amoebae hostsCervero-Arag?, S, R Sommer and RM Araujo

Contains valid UV k data

Water Research, 67: 299-3092014
UV rate constant data - VirusEffect of ultraviolet radiation on the Bacillus subtilis phages SPO2c12, SPP1, and phi 29 and their DNAsFreeman AG, Schweikart KM, Larcom LL

Contains valid UV k data

Mut Res 1843:187-1961987
UV rate constant data - VirusEffect of Ultraviolet Light on Mengovirus: Formation of Uracil Dimers, Instability and Degradation of Capsid, and Covalent Linkage of Protein to Viral RNAMiller RL, Plageman PGW

Contains valid UV k data

J Virol 133:729-7391974
UV rate constant data - VirusEffect of Ultraviolet Light C UV-C Radiation Generated by Semiconductor Light Sources on Human Beta-Coronaviruses’ InactivationSobotka, PM Przychodzki, K U?ci?o, TR Woli?ski and M Staniszewska

Contains valid UV k data

Materials 156: 23022022
UV rate constant data - VirusEffect of ultraviolet irradiation on the survival of simian virus 40 functions in human and mouse cellsAaronson SA

Contains valid UV k data

J Virol 64:393-3991970
UV rate constant data - VirusEffect of Ultraviolet Irradiation on Poliomyelitis Virus in VitroJungeblut, C

Contains valid UV k data

Proc Sic Exp Biol and Med 37: 1601937
UV rate constant data - ProtozoaEffect of ultraviolet disinfection of drinking water on the viability of Cryptosporidium parvum oocystsLorenzo MJ, Mazas MEA, I VMd, Orero DD

Contains valid UV k data

J Parasitol 791:67-701993
UV rate constant data - VirusEffect of particle aggregation on the survival of irradiated Vaccinia virusGalasso GJ, Sharp DG

Contains valid UV k data for aggregation

J Bact 904:1138-11421965
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffect of oxygen radicals and peroxide on survival after ultraviolet irradiation and liquid holding recovery of Bacteroides fragilisSlade, HJ, DT Jones and DR Woods

Contains valid UV k data

J Bacteriol 1472: 685-6871981
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffect of long ultraviolet and short visible radiation 3500 to 4900 on Escherichia coliHollaender A

Action spectra

J Bact 46:531-5411943
UV rate constant data - VirusEffect of formalin,B-propiolactone, merthiolate, and ultraviolet light upon Influenza virus infectivity, chicken cell agglutination, hemagglutination, and antigenicityGoldstein MA, Tauraso NM

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Microb 192:290-2941970
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffect of dipicolinic acid on the ultraviolet radiation resistance of Bacillus cereus sporesGermaine GR, Murrell WG

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem & Photobiol 17:145-1541973
UV rate constant data - VirusEarly inhibition of cellular DNA synthesis by high multiplicities of infectious and UV-inactivated ReovirusShaw JE, Cox DC

Contains valid UV k data

J Virol 124:704-7101973
UV rate constant data - VirusDnaE2 polymerase contributes to in vivo survival and the emergence of drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosisBoshoff HIM, Reed MB, Barry CE, Mizrahi V

Contains valid UV k data

Cell 113:183-1932003
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDNA repair in Proteus mirabilis III Survival, dimer excision, and UV reactivation in comparison with Escherichia coli K12Hofemeister J, Bohme H

Contains valid UV k data

Mol Gen Genetic 1412:147-1611975
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDNA repair and the evolution of transformation in Haemophilus influenzaeMongold J

Contains valid UV k data

Genetics 132:893-8981992
UV rate constant data - VirusDNA damage and biological function of human adenovirus after UV irradiationRainbow AJ, Mak S

Contains valid UV k data

Int J Radiat Biol 241:59-721973
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDiverse responses to UV-B Radiation and Repair Mechanisms of Bacteria Isolated from High-Altitude Aquatic EnvironmentsZenoff VF, Sineriz F, Farias ME

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 7212:7857-78632006
UV rate constant data - VirusDisinfection of water supplies by ultraviolet radiationJepson JD

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Treat Exam 22:175-1931973
UV rate constant data - FungiDisinfection of selected Aspergillus spp using ultraviolet irradiationGreen CF, Favidson CS, Scarpino PV, S G, Gibbs

Contains valid UV k data

Can J Microbiol 503:221-2242004
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDisinfection of hatchery water supply by ultraviolet UV irradiation, I Susceptibility of some fish-pathogenic bacterium and microorganisms inhabiting pond watersKimura, T, M Yoshimizu, K Tajima, Y Ezura, and M and Sakia

Contains valid UV k data

Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries 42: 207-2111976
UV rate constant data - VirusDisinfection of Feline calicivirus a surrogate for Norovirus in wastewatersTree J, Adams M, Lees D

Contains valid UV k data

J Appl Microbiol 98:155-1622005
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDisinfection of circulating water systems by ultraviolet light and halogenationGilpin RD, Dillon SB, Keyser P, Androkites A, Berube M, Carpendale N, Skorina J, Hurley J, Kaplan AM

Contains valid UV k data

Water Res 197:839-8481985
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDisinfection of Burkholderia pseudomallei in potable waterHoward, K and I TJJ

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Res 396: 1085-10922005
UV rate constant data - VirusDirect and indirect effects of ultraviolet light on the mutagenesis of parvovirus H-1 in human cellsCornelis JJ, Rommelaere J

Contains valid UV k data

EMBO J 16:693-6991982
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDifferential sensitivity to inactivation of NUR and NUR* strains of Escherichia coli at six selected wavelengths in the UVA, UVB, and UVC rangesWebb RB, Tuveson TW

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 36:525-5301982
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDifferential responses of single cells and aggregates of Mycoplasmas to ultraviolet irradiationFurness G

Contains valid UV k data for aggregation

Appl Microbiol 183:360-3641969
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDetermining disinfection efficiency on E Faecalis in saltwater by photolysis of H2O2: implications for ballast water treatmentMoreno-Andr?s J, R-M L, Acevedo-Merino A, Nebot E

Contains valid UV k data

Chem Eng J 283: 1339-13482016
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDetermination of pyrimidine dimers in Escherichia coli and Cryptosporidium parvum during UV light inactivation, photoreactivation, and dark repairOguma K, Katayama H, Mitani H, Morita S, Hirata T, Ohgaki S

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 6710:4630-46372001
UV rate constant data - VirusDetection of infectious human adenovirus in tertiary-treated and ultraviolet-disinfected wastewaterThompson SS, Jackson JL, Suva-Castillo M, Yanko WA, Jack ZE, Chen CL, Williams FP, Schnurr DP

Contains valid UV k data

Water Environ Res 752:163-1702003
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDeoxyribonucleic acid repair capacities of Neisseria gonorrhoeae: absence of photoreactivationCampbell, LA and RE Yasbin

Contains valid UV k data

J Bacteriol 1403: 1109-11111979
UV rate constant data - FungiDecreased susceptibility of melanized Cryptococcus neoformans to UV lightWang Y, Casadevall A

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Microb 6010:3864-38661994
UV rate constant data - BacteriaDark Repair of DNA Containing Spore Photoproduct in Bacillus subtilisMunakata N, Rupert CS

Contains valid UV k data

Molec Gen Genet 130:239-2501974
UV rate constant data - VirusContinuous-flow UVC irradiation: a new, effective, protein activity-preserving system for inactivating bacteria and viruses, including erythrovirus B1Caillet-Fauquet P DGM, Draps ML, Sandras F, Branckaert T, de Launoit Y, Laub R

Contains valid UV k data

J Virol Methods 1182:131-1392004
UV rate constant data - VirusComparison of the sensitivity to ultraviolet irradiation of reovirus 3 and some viruses of the Kemerovo groupZavadova Z, Libikova H

Contains valid UV k data

Acta Virol 19:88-901975
UV rate constant data - BacteriaComparison of the action spectra and relative DNA absorbance spectra of microorganisms: information important for the determination of germicidal fluence UV dose in an ultraviolet disinfection of waterChen RZ, Craik SA and B JR

Contains valid UV k data and action spectra

Wat Res 4320: 5087-50962009
UV rate constant data - ProtozoaComparison of levels of inactivation of two isolates of Giardia lamblia cysts by UV lightLi D, Craik S, Smith D, Belosevic M

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 737:2218-22232007
UV rate constant data - VirusComparative study of some properties of bacteriophage T4D irradiated with monochromatic ultraviolet lightWinkler U, Johns HE, Kellenberger E

Contains valid UV k data

Virol 18:343-3581962
UV rate constant data - VirusComparative studies on susceptibility of viruses to ultraviolet raysVon Brodrotti HS, Mahnel H

Contains valid UV k data

Zbl Vet Med B 29:129-1361982
UV rate constant data - VirusComparative studies of the stability of 4 fish-pathogenic viruses VHSV, PFR, SVCV, IPNVAhne W

Contains valid UV k data

Zentbl Vetmed Reihe B 29:457-4761982
UV rate constant data - VirusComparative inactivation of enteroviruses and adenovirus 2 by UV lightGerba C, Gramos DM, Nwachuku N

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 6810:5167-51692002
UV rate constant data - VirusComparative inactivation of enteric Adenoviruses, Poliovirus and coliphages by ultraviolet irradiationMeng QS, Gerba CP

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Res 3011:2665-26681996
UV rate constant data - VirusComparative Inactivation of Adenovirus Serotypes by UV Light DisinfectionNwachuku N, Gerba CP, Oswald A, Mashadi FD

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 719:5633-56362005
UV rate constant data - BacteriaComparative disinfection efficiency of pulsed and continuous-wave UV irradiation technologiesBohrerova Z, Shemer H, Lantis R, Impellitteri C, Linden K

Contains data on pulsed light UV

Wat Res 42:2975-29822008
UV rate constant data - VirusColiphage MS-2 as a UV water disinfection efficacy test surrogate for bacterial and viral pathogensWilson B, Roessler P, vanDellen E, Abbaszadegan M, Gerba C

Contains valid UV k data

In: Association AWW, editor; 1992; Denver, CO1992
UV rate constant data - VirusCharacterization of UVC Light Sensitivity of Vaccinia VirusMcDevitt JJ, Lai KM, Rudnick SN, Houseman EA, First MW, Milton DK

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 7318:5760-57662007
UV rate constant data - VirusCell culture and PCR determination of Poliovirus inactivation by disinfectantsMa J-F, Straub TM, Pepper IL, Gerba CP

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 6011:4203-42061994
UV rate constant data - VirusCalicivirus Inactivation by Nonionizing 253.7-Nanometer-Wavelength [UV] and Ionizing Gamma Radiationde Roda Husman AM, Bijkerk P, Lodder W, Berg Hvd, Pribil W, Cabaj A, Gehringer P, Sommer R, Duizer E

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 709:5089-50932004
UV rate constant data - VirusBiological and biochemical studies on the inactivation of Avian Oncoviruses by ultraviolet irradiationBister K, Varmus HE, Stavnezer E, Hunter E, Vogt PK

Contains valid UV k data

UV rate constant data - BacteriaBactericidal effects of ultraviolet radiation produced by low pressure mercury vapor lampsKoller LR

Contains valid UV k data

J Appl Phys 10:6241939
UV rate constant data - BacteriaBacterial responses to ultraviolet irradiationBlatchley, ER, 3rd, N Dumoutier, TN Halaby, Y Levi and JM Laine

Contains valid UV k data

Water Sci Technol 4310: 179-1862001
UV rate constant data - BacteriaAssessment of the effectiveness of low-pressure UV light for inactivation of Helicobacter pyloriHayes SL, White KM, Rodgers MR

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 725:3763-37652006
UV rate constant data - BacteriaAssessment of DNA damage and repair in Mycobacterium terrae after exposure to UV irradiationBohrerova Z, Linden KG

Contains valid UV k data

J Appl Microbiol 1015:995-10012006
UV rate constant data - BacteriaAssessing the effectiveness of low-pressure ultraviolet light for inactivating Mycobacterium avium complex MAC micro-organismsHayes, SL, M Sivaganesan, KM White and SL Pfaller

Contains valid UV k data

Lett Appl Microbiol 475: 386-3922008
UV rate constant data - VirusApplications of Ultraviolet Light for Inactivation of AdenovirusDurance CS, Hoffman R, Andrews RC, Brown M

Contains valid UV k data

: University of Toronto Department of Civil Engineering2005
UV rate constant data - SporesApplications of a rapid endospore viability assay for monitoring UV inactivation and characterizing arctic ice coresShafaat H, Ponce A

Contains valid UV k data

Appl Environ Microbiol 7210:6808-68142006
UV rate constant infoAn evaluation of the contribution of membrane lipids to protection against ultraviolet irradiationAnderson R, Daya M, Reeve J

Contains valid UV k data

Biochimica Biophys Acta 905:227-2301987
UV rate constant data - BacteriaAction spectra of light-restoration in Escherichia coli B/rJagger, J

Contains Action Spectra

Ann Inst Pasteur 916:858-8731956
UV rate constant data - VirusAction spectra for the ultraviolet and visible light inactivation of phage T7: Effect of host-cell reactivationPeak MJ, Peak JG

Contains valid UV k data & action spectra

Radiat Res 76:325-3301978
UV rate constant data - VirusA Genomic Model for the Prediction of Ultraviolet Inactivation Rate Constants for RNA and DNA Viruses; 2009 May 4-5; Boston, MAKowalski W, Bahnfleth W, Hernandez M

Genomic modeling for UV k

International Ultraviolet Association2009
UV rate constant data - BacteriaA Comparison of Microbial Repair Mechanisms With Low Pressure and Medium Pressure UV LampsAquionics

Contains valid UV k data & compares MP & LP lamps

Erlanger, KY: Aquionics, Inc2008
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUV sensitivity of germinating culture of B. cereusDrobnik, J and A Krekulova

Contains valid UV k data

Folia Microbiol Praha 14: 104-1111969
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet inactivation and photoreactivation of avian virusesDeshmukh D, Pomeroy B

Contains valid UV k data

Report nr Sci J Minnesota Agricult Exp Station Paper No 67441968
UV rate constant data - PrionsPurified scrapie prions resist inactivation by UV irradiationBellinger-Kawahara C, Cleaver J, Diener T, Prusiner S

Contains valid UV k data on Prions

J Virol 611:159-1661987
UV rate constant data - FungiThe fungicidal action of ultraviolet radiationFulton HR, Coblentz WW

Contains valid UV k data

J Agric Res 8:1591929
UV rate constant data - FungiInactivation of food spoilage fungi by ultraviolet UVC irradiationBegum M, Hocking A, Miskelly D

Contains valid UV k data – food spoilage

Int J Food Microbiol 129:74-772009
UV rate constant data - FungiEffects of UV and phototoxins on selected fungal pathogens of citrusAsthana A, Tuveson RW

Contains valid UV k data

Int J Plant Sci 1533:442-4521992
UV rate constant data - BacteriaEffects of UV irradiation on selected pathogens in peptone water and on stainless steel and chicken meatKim T, Silva JL, Chen TC

Contains valid UV k data

J Food Prot 657:1142-11452002
UV rate constant data - BacteriaOverproduction of Erythromycin by Ultraviolet Mutagenesis and Expression of ermE Gene in Saccharopolyspora erythraeaFallahpour, N, S Adnani, H Rassi and E Asli

Contains valid UV k data

Assay Drug Dev Technol 157: 314-3192017
UV rate constant data - BacteriaStudies on the irradiation of microorganisms in relation to food preservationErdman I, Thatcher FS, McQueen KF

Contains valid UV k data for food preservation

Can J Microbiol 7:199-2151961
UV rate constant data - BacteriaReduction of eggshell aerobic plate counts by ultraviolet irradiationChavez C, Knape KD, Coufal CD, Carey JB

Contains valid UV k data – food industry

Poult Sc 818:1132-11352002
UV ModelingUV Intensity Measurement and Modelling and Disinfection Performance Prediction for Irradiation of Solid Surfaces with UV LightGardner DWM, Shama G

Contains valid UV data on intensity

Food Bioproducts Proc 77C3:232-2421999
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet sensitivity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, a causative bacterium of food poisoningNozu K, Ohnishi T

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem Photobiol 265:483-4861977
UV rate constant data - VirusEfficacy of Ultraviolet Treatments for the Inhibition of Pathogens on the Surface of Fresh Fruits and VegetablesYaun BR, Summer SS

Contains valid UV k data

Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University2002
UV rate constant data - SporesTransitory UV resistance during germination of UV sensitive spores produced by a mutant of Bacillus cereus 569Weinberger S, Evenchick Z, Hertman I

Contains valid UV k data

Photochem & Photobiol 396:775-7801984
UV rate constant data - FungiInactivation of conidia of Botrytis cinerea and Monilinia fructigena using UV-C and heat treatmentMarquenie D, Lammertyn J, Geeraerd A, Soontjens C, VanImpe J, Nicolai B, Michiels C

Contains valid UV k data

Int J Food Microbiol 74:27-352002
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUV irradiation of shell eggs: Effect on populations of aerobes, molds, and inoculated Salmonella typhimuriumKuo, F, J Carey and S Ricke

Contains valid UV k data for food industry

J Food Prot 60: 639-6431997
UV rate constant data - VirusThe effect of ultraviolet radiation on the primary transcription of Influenza virus messenger RNAsAbraham G

Contains valid UV k data

Virol 97:177-1821979
UV rate constant data - BacteriaPhotoreactivation of Legionella pneumophila after inactivation by low- or medium-pressure ultraviolet lampsOguma K, Katayama H, Ohgaki S

Contains valid UV k data

Wat Res 3811:2757-27632004
UV rate constant data - BacteriaPhotoreactivation of ultraviolet-irradiated, plasmid-bearing, and plasmid- free strains of Bacillus anthracisKnudson GB

Contains valid UV k data

Appl & Environ Microbiol 523:444-4491986
UV rate constant data - BacteriaPhotoreactivation of UV-irradiated Legionella pneumophila and other Legionella speciesKnudson GB

Contains valid UV k data

Appl & Environ Microbiol 494:975-9801985
UV rate constant data - BacteriaSusceptibility of Legionella pneumophila to ultraviolet radiationAntopol SC, Ellner PD

Contains valid UV k data

Appl & Environ Microb 382:347-3481979
UV rate constant data - BacteriaThe effect of irradiation with ultraviolet light on various properties of typhus rickettsiaeAllen EG, Bovarnick MR, Snyder JC

Contains valid UV k data

J Bact 67:718-7231954
UV rate constant data - VirusThe kinetics of batch ultraviolet inactivation of bacteriophage MS2 and microbiological calibration of an ultraviolet pilot plantNieuwstad T, Havelaar A

Contains valid UV k data

J Environ Sci Health A299:1992-20071994
UV rate constant data - VirusRadiation Biology, Volume II: Ultraviolet and Related RadiationsHollaender A

Contains valid UV k data

New York: McGraw-Hill1955
UV rate constant data - VirusUltraviolet irradiation doses for coronavirus inactivation – review and analysis of coronavirus photoinactivation studiesHessling, M, K Hones, P Vatter and C Lingenfelder

Contains valid UV k data

GMS Hyg Infect Control 15: Doc082020
UV rate constant data - VirusAirborne micro-organisms : Survival tests with four virusesHarper GJ

Contains valid UV k data

Journal of Hygiene 59:479-4861961
UV rate constant data - VirusThermal and ultraviolet inactivation of plaque purified measles virus clonesDiStefano R, Burgio G, Ammatuna P, Sinatra A, Chiarini A

Contains valid UV k data

G Batteriol Virol Immunol 69:3-111976
UV rate constant data - VirusThe inactivation of poliovirus in aerosolsde Jong JC, KC Winkler

Contains valid UV k data

Journal of Hygiene 66:557-5651968
UV rate constant data - VirusStudies on repair of Adenovirus 2 by human fibroblasts using normal, xerodermapigmentosum, and xeroderma pigmentosum heterozygous strainsDay RS

Contains valid UV k data

Cancer Res 34:1965-19701974
UV rate constant data - VirusThe antigenicity of ultraviolet irradiated vaccinia virusCollier LH, McClean D, Vallet L

Contains valid UV k data

Hyg 534:513-5341955
UV rate constant data - VirusGermicidal lamp inactivation of poliovirusCarlson HJ

Contains valid UV k data

Am J Publ Health 32:1256-12621975
UV rate constant data - VirusViricidal activity of open airBenbough JE, AM Hood

Contains valid UV k data in air

Journal of Hygiene 69:619-6261971
UV rate constant data - FungiUltraviolet sensitivity of fungi associated with mycotic keratitis and other mycosesChick EW, AB Hudnell J, Sharp DG

Contains valid UV k data

Sabouviad 24:195-2001963
UV rate constant data - BacteriaUV-induced inactivation rates for airborne Mycobacterium bovis BCGPeccia J, and Hernandez, M

Contains valid UV k data

J Occup Environ Hyg 17:430-4352002
UV rate constant data - BacteriaIn vitro studies of interaction of rickettsia and macrophages: Effect of ultraviolet light on Coxiella burnetti inactivation and macrophage enzymesLittle JS, Kishimoto RA, Canonico PG

Contains valid UV k data

Infect Immun 273:837-8411980